
  • Theres a hair in my dirt!!!

    Today I learned that I should leave animals alone and in their natural habitat. If you change something in the environment it will effect other things. I also learned that worms are decomposers (because I didn't know that) and that Harriet is dumb. We need to be aware of our surroundings and not mess anything up!
  • Abiotic and Biotic

    Today I learned what abiotic and biotic mean, and what the difference is between them! Abiotic is something living or that was living, and Biotic is something that is not living and never was such as air, rocks, metal, etc. A few things that are classified in the Abiotic section would be, a person, hair, wood, trees, etc!
  • Venn Diagram 2

    Today I made another diagram comparing things with their similarities, and their differences. The things I compared werre Mr. Wood, Whale, and a wooden ruler!
  • Trophic Levels!

    When ever you go up in a food chain you lose 90% of the energy to heat! I also learned that throphic means energy!
  • Video!

    Today I learned about the mountains and watched a video on it!
  • Earth's Resources

    Today I go t to figure out how much of the Earths resources i use in a day! it was surprising! Also I got to figure out how much I use in a year!
  • Physical Properties 1

    Today I learned how to classify. Me and my group classified things into these two groups: Symetrical and Non Symetrical and Toys and Tools!
  • Physical/Chemical properties

    I'm not quite sure what chemical properties my book has, but I'm pretty sure it on water. . . but I don't know what thats called!
  • Physical/Chemical properties

    Wind is a Chemical Property of air. (or atleast I think)
  • Chemical/Physical properties

    How can you tell what chemical properties a substance has????? they can only be observed during a chemical reaction!!!!!
  • phase change!

    3 things i know about Physical Changes:
    It does not form a new substance
    It always stays the same substance!
    If ice cream melts, it is still the same substance!
  • Physical/ Chemical change

    How do you tell the difference between a gaseous physical change and a chemical change? Well, a checmical change. . . it changes color and smell! and A physical can change it back... like boiling water!
  • physical/chemical change

    I learned that cornstarch catches on fire! Oh! and iodine turns black when its mixed with cornstarch. I also learned that FIRE STINKS!
  • Atoms

    Today I learned that Atoms move fast. So fast that if you are looking at will always see it!
  • Atomic Structure

    What is a rule for making a positive ion? You have to have more protons than electrons because protons are positive and electrons are negative.
  • isotopes and ions

    what particle determines an ioin?A proton because when you add one, it imballances the atom. What one determines an Isotope? A Neutron determines an Isotope because it doesn't effect the element but it does effect the mass.
  • Periodic Table

    the rows stand for the period that the element classifies in.