Antibes 7 26 067

Sarah Russell's Passion to Profession

  • High School Art Courses

    I began taking independent study art courses and created a lot of fine crafted ceramic sculptures and other mixed media projects.
  • Extra help tutor

    I struggled with math but had a wonderful teacher help teach me how to oprganize my math binder and helped tutor me outside of the regular school day. When I finally achieved the goals we set I knew if it weren't for such a fabulous teacher I wouldn't have succeeded. I wanted to be that type of teacher.
  • College courses

    I started to see that I was a great teacher before I even started my Art Education program. I would help my classmates and dorm mates study for Greek Civilization. I wouldn't dream of teaching that topic but I could see I had the right type of study skills and passion to help others gain the skills.
  • College Art Class

    Enjoying art courses and becoming a better artist by learning from art professors helped me see that I have the interest, patience, and skills to create and implement wonderful lessons on my own.
  • France Abroad

    I was able to travel abroad and study art at all of the greatest museums and paint in France. This time allowed me to become masterly with water color painting.
  • Student Teaching

    Student Teaching
    I started student teaching. Watching how others taught helped shape me and my teaching style. I developed a strong personal teaching pedagogy and honed behvaior management skills needed to work in urban schools.
  • Graduation

    Upon graduation I had completed probably over eighty applications looking for a job in the k-12 visual arts. Earning my degree from a great school helped me towards my profession.
  • First Real Job and Apartment

    I got my first teaching job in Springfield at a Middle School and my first apartment in Northampton. I was so excited to live on my own and start developing and practicing all that I had learned during college and student teaching
  • France Abroad Graduate Assistant

    France Abroad Graduate Assistant
    went to France and began to master my water color skills of mixing colors and creating textured brush strokes.