
sarah kuehnel's timeline of australia

  • dutch sail to australia

    dutch sail to australia
    the dutch sailed to australia but didnt stay.
  • captin james cook sailed around australia

    captin james cook sailed around australia
    captin james cook sailed around austrlia and found out more about australias land.
  • crimanls in austrlia

    crimanls in austrlia
    british crimanals settle in australia
  • new physical boundries

    new physical boundries
    physical boundries are "drawn"
  • no more prisoners

    no more prisoners
    stop sending prisoners
  • common wealth established

    common wealth established
    the common wealth of australia was established
  • camberra is finished

    camberra is finished
    camberra (australias current capital) was finally finished and it became the capital
  • help the aborigines

    help the aborigines
    the government passed out laws to help the aborigines. they gave them the territory of the northern territory.
  • australia act accurs

    australia act accurs
    australia act accured. this means australia is free to do thier own things.
  • australia votes to keep the queen

    australia votes to keep the queen
    55%of the austrlian people agreed/voted for australia to still have a queen. they still wanted to be loyal to the english queen.