S Timeline

  • Birth

  • Lowest Self-Esteem

    (-8) Became convinced that I was stupid and worthless because of the bullying I experienced and the things that were said to me.
  • Baptism

    (+10) a spiritual pinnacle, it was for me my affirmation of my faith through obedience to Jesus's teaching about how to join with Him.
  • National Merit Finalist

    (+8) Opened my eyes to the possibility of my own potential. Had a slight positive impact on my self-esteem.
  • Marriage

    (+9) after being convinced for so long that I was incompetent and undesirable, my and my wife's love for each other was confirmed in marriage. My wife and I have been mutual supporters of each other. She is central, key, crucial to most of what I have been able to accomplish in life.
  • First great disillusionment

    (-8) I has always assumed that I'd be a researcher and a teacher. Just always assumed that. As a grad student, I saw first-hand the petty politics and (often vicious) competition on college faculties. I saw lying, manipulation, even character assassination. It shocked and disgusted me - I was so naive. Professors at both Stanford and Ga Tech talked to me about their own discouragement. I decided never to join a faculty.
  • Ph.D. Degree

    (+7) [Atlanta GA] achievement of a childhood goal, proved to myself that I could actually accomplish such a goal and be respected for it. First time I ever felt respected for anything I could do.
  • Birth of first child

  • Birth of second child

  • Second great disillusionment

    (-7) The government's politics and corruption are widespread and very dangerous to those involved in it's ways and programs. I left behind any kind of professional association with the government. It was a second crushing blow to me professionally. I focused on careers in the corporate world.
  • Exec in Multinational Corp.

    (+3) Opportunities to travel the world and experience corporate interactions between different cultures. Ugliness of international corporate politics, but also made friends from different nations and cultural backgrounds.
  • Third great disillusionment

    (-6) Saw corporate corruption. Abandoned life career path in science and technology; return to grad school to pursue a more people-positive career - professional counseling.
  • Ministry in South Africa and Zimbabwe

    (+10) My wife and I worked with wonderful, tireless, and very brave people who unselfishly put themselves in danger of illness, violence, and natural disaster to help others. I became of full-time minister following this trip.