Russian Timeline

  • Number of Factories Doubled

  • Alexander III

    Alexander III
    Alexander the Third succeeded his father, Alexander the Second, to the throne and halted all reforms in Russia; known for autocracy
  • Sergey Witte

    Sergey Witte
    Sergey Witte, the most capable minster of the czar, launched a program to move the country forward, helping the buildup of Russian finances with more taxes and foreign investments
  • Siberian Railway Began

  • Nicholas II

    Nicholas II
    Nicholas the Second became czar and swore to continue Alexander’s legacy of authcracy; he refused to surrender any bit of his power and was blinded by the changing times
  • Number of factories ended

  • Russia

    Russia becomes the fourth ranking country in steel
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Groups following the views of Karl Marx,
  • Bolsheviks

    a group of reolutionary Russian Marxist who took control of Russia's government