russian stuff

By 16trabe
  • bloddy sunday

    group of peacful protesters where fired apon when they wanted to speak with the tsar.
  • russo-japanese war

    russia and japan had a war
  • creation of the duma

    council assembly that was created by tsar nicholas the second
  • russia enters ww1

    russia enters the great war
  • lenin returns from exile

    lenin returns to russia fro exile in germany
  • civil war begins

    war between red army and white army begins in russia.
  • march revolution begins

    tsarist rule was over and there was now a provisional goverment
  • nicholas abdicates

    the tsar was forced to abdicate ending the tsar rule.
  • assasination of romanov family

    the tsar and his family where all shot at once in the basement of their summerhome.
  • lenin takes power

    vladimir lenin takes conrol of the country.