Russian Revolution timeline

  • Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’

    Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
    Czar Alexander II was the ruler of Russia since 1855 and was assassinated by the ‘People’s Will’ group that was a bunch of terrorists who wanted to assassinate the czar to overthrow him.They wanted to overthrow him due to him not giving the freedom or rights to everyone else,which is what they wanted.When the Peoples Will group was organized in 1879,they tried assassinating the Czar multiple times,however never fully succeeded.In 1881 they threw a bomb and finally assassinated Czar Alexander II.
  • Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia

    Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia
    In 1914, Nicholas led his country in World War I. and discontent grew as food continued to become scarce. Soldiers became war-weary, devastating defeats at the hands of Germany. In March of 1917, in Petrograd, the army of garrison joined striking workers as they demanded socialists reforms,led to Nicholas being called on to abdicate.On March 15, he renounced the throne in favor of his brother whose refusal of the crown brought an end to the czarist autocracy in Russia.
  • Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution

    Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
    On January 22, 1905, a group of workers led by the radical priest Georgy Apollonovich Gapon marched the czar’s Winter Palace on St. Petersburg to make their demands. Imperial forces opened fire on the protesters, killing and wounding many, like hundreds of people.Strikes and riots ended up breaking out throughout the country due to outraged responses to the masacre. This made Nicholas respond by promising the formation of series of representative assemblies, or Dumas, to help work toward reform
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    WWI began because of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Sophie, his wife was killed by the Serbian nationalist as well. This caused other countries to ally with each other and this led to huge conflicts. Austria-Hungary and Serbia are the reasons WWI started. Alliances with other countries were a big help, so each country was protected, but were bad at the same time because they can lead to a big war, just like WWI.
  • The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd

    The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd
    In 1917 the very first revolution of the Russian Revolution was the February Revolution. This revolution was the first revolution in almost over 400 hundred years, which had a monarchy. It started in St. Petersburg as the women factory workers were upset over having food shortages and started protesting for having to stand in line for bread. This made men from nearby factories want to help the women so they came along with the women and almost all of the workers in Petrograd were on strike.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)
    In March of 1917, in Petrograd,the army of garrison joined the striking workers as they were demanding socialists reforms which then led to Nicholas being called on to abdicate.In July 1918, he advance of counterrevolutionary forces caused the Yekaterinburg Soviet forces to fear that Nicholas might be rescued.After a secret meeting, a death sentence was said towards the imperial family,and Nicholas,his wife,and his children,and several of their servants were gunned down on the night of July 16.
  • Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train

    Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train
    In December 1895, Lenin and the other leaders of the Union were arrested. Lenin was in jail for a year and then exiled to Siberia for 3 years. AFter he returned from exile he returned to his revolutionary activity. He had a newspaper published to the people that was picked off of
    “ What Has to Be Done” and that argued that only a disciplined party of professional revolutionaries could bring socialism to Russia.
  • Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd

    Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd
    The Bolshevik Party decided to change it name to the Communist Party at the seventh congress of the Russian Communist Party. This Congress of the Russian Communist Party was their first congress since the Bolsheviks had gained power after the February Revolution. They had the congress held in Petrograd where all the delegates helped vote on each decisions. One of the decisions they made were that the name would be changed to the Communist Party.
  • The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd

    The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd
    When the All Russian Congress of SOviets met in Petrograd, that was when Lein decided to overthrow the provisional government. This helped the revolt look like a takeover by all of the society instead of just one political party. The night before this government was overthrown the Bolsheviks took over the bridges, telegraph offices, railroad stations and other major parts of the city. Then the night after, the government surrendered because they knew they were going to be overthrown.
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    The Russian Civil War was a conflict because the Red Army successfully defended the Bolshevik government. This government was newly formed and was led by Vladimir Lenin. This was formed as they were against various Russian revolutionary and other groups.The Russian CIvil war lasted for about three years and had started because many people were unhappy with the way Lenin organized ruling so it caused many people wanting to overthrow him.
  • Russia withdraws from World War 1

    Russia withdraws from World War 1
    Russia withdraws from WWI for more than just one reason. They did not have a good leader when this war occurred because Czar Nicholas II was not experienced as a military leader. This hurt them which made them start off bad in the war. They entered this war when Russia was in an economic and political instability which also made the beginning of this war hard for them. All of this made Russia come to the conclusion to just withdraw from the war.
  • The Capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow

    The Capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow
    The capital of Russia is changed from St Petersburg to Moscow for many reasons. One reason was that Moscow was in the center of Russia which made its location better that St Petersburg. Another one was the the population was better because in Moscow it was larger, which made them think that it was better to have the capital of Russia to have a larger population. The last reason is that Russia was located very far from the front lines.
  • The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party

    The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
    The Bolshevik Party decided to change its name to the Communist Party at the seventh congress of the Russian Communist Party. This Congress of the Russian Communist Party was their first congress since the Bolsheviks had gained power after the February Revolution. They had the congress held in Petrograd where all the delegates helped vote on each decision. One of the decisions they made were that the name would be changed to the Communist Party.
  • Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed

    Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed
    Czar Nicholas and his family were executed in 1918 by the Bolsheviks. This all happened the night of July 16 when Nicholas, Alexandra, their five children and four servants had to get dressed fast and head downstairs to take a picture. They were told this picture was a way of silencing the rumors of them escaping. However, a group of armed men charged into the room and killed everyone in the Czar family, even the servants! The ones who were still alive were stabbed to death.
  • Russian Civil War ends

    Russian Civil War ends
    The Russian Civil war occurred from 1918 to 1921.At this time,the Bolsheviks faced great amounts of opposition to their rule in the form of the white armies.The armies were led by former officers of the Tsarist state,and intervention by the forces of foreign countries.The Bolsheviks had difficulties during the war,by being outnumbered by their opponents and had no experienced military commanders.At times throughout the war,they thought it was hopeless for them.However, they won.
  • The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established

    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established
    During the Russian Revolution of 1917 and subsequent three-year Russian Civil War, the Bolshevik Party, led by Vladimir Lenin, had dominated the soviet forces. These were a coalition of workers and soldiers committees that called for the establishment of a social state , which was in the former Russian Empire. The Communist Party, and the party’s politburo controlled all the levels of government that consisted in USSR.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    Lenin who was the architect of the Bolshevik Revolution and the first leader of the soviet union died of what they call a brain hemorrhage. He died at the age of 54, and after his death, his body wa embalmed and placed in a mausoleum near the Moscow kremlin. In honor of him, the Russian City named Petrograd was changed to the name Leningrad.