Russian revolution of 1917

By j.whitt
  • bloody Sunday

    bloody Sunday
    This event was one of the major contributing factors to the later revolution of 1917, when a group of protesters marched on the winter palace to present a petition to the czar. This event was shocked into the memory of the Russian people when the czar's troops open fired on the unarmed demonstrators.
  • Period: to

    revolution of 1905

    Directly resulting from the bloody Sunday massacre, the revolution of 1905 saw the Russian imperial government putting down the revolution but also undergoing a constitutional reform with a legislative branch and party system.
  • Russian enters WW1 (Russian invasion of east Prussia)

    Russian enters WW1 (Russian invasion of east Prussia)
    The Russian entry into the great war lead directly to the food shortage that started the February revolutionaries to begin demonstrating.
  • February revolution begins

    February revolution begins
    On march 7 workers strikes began and were joined the next day on international women's day by demands for bread
  • Petrograd army garrison opens fire on protesters

    Petrograd army garrison opens fire on protesters
    After several days of protest and many clashes with police the garrison was called out to contain and control the protests, in many places troops began to open fire.
  • troops defect to the revolution

    troops defect to the revolution
    Following the bloodshed of the previous day the majority of soldiers defected to the side of the revolutionaries. This lead to the end of the Russian imperial government and the formation of a provisional government as well as the Petrograd soviet both of which peacefully vied for the right to rule.
  • the October revolution

    the October revolution
    Seeing the provisional government as inept and upset that they had not yet exited the great war, Vladimir Lenin and his peers lead his Bolshevik party in revolt leading to the Russian civil war.
  • Period: to

    Russian civil war

    The October revolution lead to the Russian civil war between the communist red army and the white army which was composed of many anti soviet factions
  • end of the russian civil war

    end of the russian civil war
    With the fall of Vladivostok, the city where many allied troops including U.S. soldiers had supported the white army, to the red army the Russian civil war came to a close and the soviet union was left unopposed to rule russia