Images 10

Russian History

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Mongol conquers Keivan Rus

    Mongol conquers Keivan Rus
    In the 1200s, Mongol Warriors conquered Kievan Rus. During this time, many Slavs moved northward and built settlements. One of these settlements was the small trading post for Moscow. It became the center of new Slavic territory called Muscovy.
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Ivan the fourth became first Emporer of Russia

    Ivan the fourth became first Emporer of Russia
    Ivan the fourth declared himself Czar in 1547. He was a harsh ruler and eventually earned the name "Ivan the Terrible". Hre used secret police to carry out his will.
  • Building of St. Petersburg

    Building of St. Petersburg
    In 1703, Peter the Great built a new capitol called St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg was close to Europe near the Baltic Coast. Peter the Great built this because he wanted to make more contact with Europe.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    In 1812, a French army led by Napoleon Boneapart invaded Russia. To conquer Russia the French forces marched hundreds of miles and tried to capture Moscow. The Russian Army made it hard for them, however, because they burned villages and any army supplies the French could use.
  • Czar moved to St. Petersburg

    Czar moved to St. Petersburg
    After burning the French's main help of survival to take over Russia, they abandoned and burned Moscow. The czar then moved to St. Petersburg. Russia remained independent because the French had to retreat during Russia's brutal winters.
  • Revolution Sweeps Russia

    Revolution Sweeps Russia
    Many people did not like the czar of that time because in World War 1, they were poorly prepared. People blamed the czar for this. In return, the people of Russia staged a revolution that forced the czar to step down from their throne.
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    Gorbachev's policies made the Soviet Union people doubt communism. Huge protests against soviet control spread across Eastern Europe. By 1991, all of the regions communist government had fallen.
  • Yeltsin bombs the White House

    Yeltsin bombs the White House
    On October 4, several elite divisions of Russian military forces decided to support Yeltsin. Tanks rolled up next to the White House at 5 a.m. Only two hours later at 7 a.m, the firing started and continued throughout the rest of the day
  • Kievan Rus converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity

    Kievan Rus converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity
    A.D. 988, people of Keivan Rus converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Missionaries brought this religion from Byzantine. Along with the religion, the missionaries brought a written language.
  • Slav built a civilization around Kiev.

    Slav built a civilization around Kiev.
    This city is now the capital of Ukraine. They called this civilization was called Keivan Rus. This city is prospered for river trade between Scandinavia and the Byzantine Empire.