Russian History

  • Jan 21, 1200

    The Mongols conquer.

    The Mongols conquer.
    In the A.D. 1200's warriors from Central Asia, conquered Kievan Rus. These people were the fierce Mongols. While Kiev was under Mongol rule, Kiev lost much of its power.
  • Jan 21, 1480

    Ivan 3rd gained independence.

    Ivan 3rd gained independence.
    In 1480 the prince of Muscovy, Ivan 3rd rejected Mongol rule. Along with this he declared independence for the people. He bacame known as Ivan the great.
  • Jan 21, 1547

    Ivan 4th declares himself czar.

    Ivan 4th declares himself czar.
    When Muscovy developed into Russia Ivan the 4th declared himself czar. He ruled very harshly. He used secret police to carry out his will. Because of this he became known as Ivan the terrible.
  • St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg
    Peter the great played a big part in the expandsion of Russia. He did this by building a new capital called St. Petersburg. It was close to the Baltic coast and eventually expanded to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Napolean invades Russia.

    Napolean invades Russia.
    In 1812 Napolean Bonapart invaded Russia. The French forces marched hundreds of miles to capture Moscow. Russia burned villages and any supplies the French could use. Russians abandoned Moscow and the czar moved to St. Petersburg.
  • Russia joined France and Britain in World War I

    Russia joined France and Britain in World War I
    Russia joined France and Britain so they could battle Germany and Austria. Russia suffered defeat because they were not prepaired. Many of the peole blamed their current czar who was Nicholas II for the countries poor prepairedness in the war
  • Russia started the Soviet Union

    Russia started the Soviet Union
    Vladimir Lenin and his suspects created a new union called the Soviet Union. The Union was formed of 15 republics. This was the largest republic in that time.
  • The Soviet Union falls.

    The Soviet Union falls.
    Lenin followed the ideas of a German political thinker named Karl Marx. Marx believed that system in which factory owners had lots of power but, the workers had very little power. He wanted to make everyone equal. Because of this Lenin stopped the Soviet Union.
  • Slavic Built Sivilation

    Slavic Built Sivilation
    In A.D. 800 The slavic people built a civilization. They built this civilization around the city of Kiev. They settled on the great trade rout of Scandinavia and Constantinopl.
  • Coavert to Eastern Orthodox Christianity

    Coavert to Eastern Orthodox Christianity
    In A.D. 988 the people of Kievan Rus converted to Easter Orthodox Christianity. The missionaries brought a writen language the Kiev. THey adopted Orthodox in the 10th centurary