Russia - Age of Absolutism

  • End of Ivan's Reign

    End of Ivan's Reign
    Ivan's dynasty came to an end in 1598. The Time of Troubles, which was a period of anarchy, followed.
  • Michael Romanov

    Michael Romanov
    The Time of Troubles period didn't end until Micael Romanov became the new czar in 1613.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the Great became the new czar.
  • St. Petersberg

    St. Petersberg
    Peter the Great began the contruction of St. Pertersberg. It stayed the capital of Russia all the way up until 1918.
  • Peter the Great Death

    Peter the Great Death
    Peter the Great died in the year of 1725.
  • St. Petersburg Capital

    St. Petersburg Capital
    St.Petersburg remained the capital of Russian all the way up to 1917. St. Pertersburg was also finished in Peter the Great's lifetime.