
  • Nov 2, 1240

    Kiev Gets Destroyed

    Kiev Gets Destroyed
    During the 11th century, the grand dukes of Kiev held such centralizing power as existed. In 1240, Kiev was destroyed by the Mongols, and the Russian territory was split into numerous smaller dukedoms. Early dukes of Moscow extended their dominion over other other Russian cities through their office of tribute collector for the Mongols and because of Moscow's role as an administrative and trade center.
  • Dec 3, 1533

    The First Czar in 1533

    The First Czar in 1533
    Ivan IV, also called Ivan the Terrible came to the throne in 1533 when he was only three years old. He was born on August 25, 1530 in a town near Moscow. He reigned December 3, 1533 - March 28, 1584.
  • Romanovs Rise

    Romanovs Rise
    Ivan after killing his old son and heir; died three years later. His weak second son wasn't physically or mentally incapable of ruling after dieing without a heir. Representatives of Russia met to chose the next Czer.
  • Peter the Great Comes to Rule

    Peter the Great Comes to Rule
    At first, Peter shared the throne with his half-brother. However Peter became a sole ruler of Russia in 1696. He got his name "Peter the Great", for being one of Russias reatest reformers.
  • Founder of the First Russian Dynasty

    Founder of the First Russian Dynasty
    Tradition says the Viking Rurik came to Russia in 862 and founded the first Russian dynasty in Novgorod. The various tribes were united by the spread of Christianity in the 10th and 11th centuries; Vladimir “the Saint” was converted in 988.