Roman expansion - pt2 - Lucas W

  • 600 BCE


    Etruscans conquer Rome, thus Romans adopt most of their culture. This included art, alphabet, religion, written languages and more, making Romans expand their culture.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 200 BCE

    Roman expansion

  • 500 BCE

    Romans defeat Etruscans

    Romans conquer Etruscans. Romans now possess a great amount of power in their hands.
  • 451 BCE

    Twelve Tables- The Roman Rules

    Officials carve 12 Roman laws on tablets. These laws applied to all the citizens and acted as a form of protection. It would later become the basis for Roman laws.
  • 350 BCE

    Roman ascension

    The Romans start conquering more and more land, expanding and drastically increasing their power. They possess control over many surrounding states, granting them a bigger and more powerful empire.
  • 265 BCE

    Rome controls Italian peninsula

    Romans control the entire Italian peninsula. They are established as leaders now, with not a single opponent to face them. Romans obtained land.
  • 220 BCE

    Rome conquers more land

    Rome conquers Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. They obtained further land and more power.