Timeline of Roman Events

  • 753 BCE

    Founding of Rome

    It is believed that Rome was founded by: 1. Romulus (raised by a shewolf who nursed him and made him a powerful man) 2. Rome was founded by a Trojan hero, Aeneas.
    Early Rome was governed by kings, but after only seven of them had ruled, the Romans took power over their own city and ruled themselves.
  • 509 BCE

    Founding of the Republic

    Outrageous behavior of the last kings led the noble families to revolt in 509 BC, bringing monarchy to a sudden close and leading to the creation of the Roman Republic. Development of Patricians (consuls and The Senate), Dictators, The Equestrians, and the Plebeians who developed the Tribal Assembly and Twelve Tables.
  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Three Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome took place over nearly a century, beginning in 264 B.C and ending with the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC.
  • 60 BCE

    First Triumvirate

    Made up of three men, G. Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus. Frist Triumvirate ended chaos and violence in Rome for a short period of time. First Triumvirate was an informal agreement among them three, each seeking his private goals, which further undermined the republic. The collapse of the First Triumvirate came about after the death of Crassus and Pompey.
  • 44 BCE

    Death of Caesar

    Caesar was assassinated (stabbed to death) as a result of conspiracy by Roman senators, Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus. This was because they saw Cesaer as a threat to the Republic. They believed he would overturn the Republic and crown himself Emperor. After his death, there was a lot of continued fighting and civil war.
  • 31 BCE

    Battle of Actium

    Roman leader Octavian wins a decisive victory against the forces of Roman Mark Antony and Cleopatra, queen Egypt. Before their forces suffered final defeat, Antony and Cleopatra broke though the enemy lines and fled to Egypt, where they would commit suicide the following year.
  • 68

    Death of Nero-68 CE

    Ruled Rome from 54 A.D. Considered incompetent, unpopular, inability to control his armies, which led to his suicide 14 years later. Best known for his debaucheries, political murders, persecution of Christians.
  • 177

    Death of Marcus Aurelius-177 CE

    Favorable reputation for his intelligence and efficiency, his skill in handling people and kindness. Made his son Commodus co-emperor with him in 177 CE. In 180 CE, Marcus Aurelius caught smallpox and then starved himself to death at age 58. His reign was remembered as the golden age.
  • Period: 272 to 327

    Life of Constantine

    In 324, Constantine defeated his last opponent and made himself sole emperor, uniting the empire once again. He carried forward the policies of Diocletian; however, Constantine supported Christianity. Developed Edict of Milan-Christianity major religion of Roman Empire. Nicene Creed and Canonization of the bible. Moved the capital of Rome to Constantinople-center of the civilized world. Constantine became several sic over the course of his reign and died in 306.
  • 476

    Fall of Rome-476 CE

    Emperor Valentinian divided the empire again and allowed his brother Valens to rule the Eastern half. The West, Imperial Rule began to decline. Rise of more emperors who are more corrupt after Marcus Aurelius death. Development of feudalism. Population decline due to series of plagues and lead poisoning. Suffered massive economic collapse. Barbaric invasion destroying the aqueducts and Rome.