Rise and Fall of Roman Empire

  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius
    Ruled from 161 C.E to 180 C.E. When he died his son Commudus was appointed his sucsseser. Once he died that ended the streak of good leaders. He spent most of his time fighting for his army and conquerd more land.
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    50 Years of Decline

    50 Years of Decline
    It began under the rein of commodus. several corrupt leaders under him hired a mercanary army which sucked up the money. When the empire lost most of its arm stopped fighting then they started loosing land.
  • 305


    He wanted the empire to thrive. He divided the empire into two halves and assigned co-emporers tp rule the western half while he had the east.Once he died in 305 C.E there were more cicil wars.
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    Out of the civil wars constantian emerged he was in a war with the barbarians. He got a sign from the cristian god to put a symbol on their sheilds and with that they won the battle.he signed a treaty which stated you can believe in any god. Once he died the germanic tribes took the western half of the empire.
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    Rise of The Byzantine Empire

    Rise of The Byzantine Empire
    after the western half of the empire was taken by the barbarians the eastern half still called themselves Romans and wasnt called the byzantine empire until later.
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    The Code of Justinian

    The Code of Justinian
    Justinian also gave the world something very important. He gave us the 12 tables, which are the 12 main laws which are still used today in court. The 12 tables also influence the declaration of independence.The laws he made maintained society.
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    Justinian took over his uncles rule and married Theodora. When Justinian died his wife was crowned ruler. In a battle Justinian officials attacked the hippodrome and killed 30000 rebals. Then constinople was the most powerful city of that time.
  • Oct 3, 1453

    Fall of Byzantine Empire

    Fall of Byzantine Empire
    In the ending of the Byzantine empire they were fighting Germanic tribs who later over powered the Byzantine army and completly looted thembut all the churches of the time stayed.
  • First Roman Emporer

    First Roman Emporer
    Augustus Caeser was the first emporer pf the roman empire. It was the beggining of Roman peace which lasted for about 200 years.Art, literature, roads and bridges and paths inproved. Trade improved which caused the empire to flourish.
  • Commodus

    Ruled from 180 C.E to 192 C.E. He loved the idea of being emporer but instead of doing things to benefit the empire he spent a lot of money on himself. Every time he ran out of money he would kill the rich.
  • Byzantine Art and Arcitecture

    Byzantine Art and Arcitecture
    Byzantine art flourished from the beggining to the end of the empire. Things included of that art are mozaiks and paintings which were usually made for the rich or emporers.
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church

    The Eastern Orthodox Church
    Christianity evolved and during the life of the church it developed little problems. In 726 Leo the 3rd had all the icons destroyed. in 1054 the curch was divided into the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church.