Rights of woman,Indigenous people and Migrants

By user9
  • Caiptin James Cook Enters Botany Bay.

    On the 28th of April 1770 Captain James Cook arrived in Botany Bay. Sailing on a ship he called Endeavour.
  • Period: to

    Women, indigenous Ausralian and Migrants Wrights of Australia.

  • The first fleet arrives

    Over 252 days, the First Fleet brought over 1500 men, women and children half way around the world from England to New South Wales.
  • The first woman doctor

    The first woman doctor was
  • The Common Wealth of Australia was formed.

    The Vision in Hindsight: Parliament and the Constitution will be a collection of essays each of which tells the story of how Parliament has fashioned and reworked the intentions of those who crafted the Constitution.
  • Women granted the write to vote.

  • First female parliament Candidates.

    Vida Goldstein , and Nellie Martel and Mary Ann Moore Bentley (New South Whales), stood for election. None of the women were elected.
  • Maternity allowance Act

  • Women in World War 1

  • First female police officer.

    South Australia and NSW apointed the first female police officer they were Kate Cooks and Annie Ross. Kate was 40 years old and Annie was 32 year of age.
  • Mimum wage for women 54% of male rate.

  • First women elected to Australian parlementary.

    Edith Cowan was the first women elected for parlementary in 1921 to 1924.
  • Founding of the country Womens Assocaition.

  • Widow's pension's were introduced.

  • First women elected for Australian Parlement.

    When Dorothy Tangney and Enid Lyons entered Parliament House in Canberra on 24 September 1943, they also stepped into history, as the first women in the Australian parliament.
  • The Commonwealth Citzenship and Nationality.

    The citzenship and nationality act, passed curing the last session of the commonwealth parliment, came into force today.
  • All aboriginal women (and men) were finally able to vote.

    In 1962, the Menzies Government amended the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to enable all Aboriginal Australians to enroll to vote in Australian federal elections.
  • The right to vote.

    On May 27, more then 90 per cent of Australians vte 'Yes' in a referendum to give the Australia Goverment the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Tones Strait Islander people.
  • An Australian author, women to reject there traditions roles.

    In 1970, Australian-born author Germaine Greer wrote The Female Eunuch, a book that challenged a woman's traditional role in society, and provided an important framework for the feminist movement of the 1970s.
  • The Australian Parliment passes the Recial Discimination Act.

    Racial discrimination occurs under the RDA when someone is treated less fairly than someone else in a similar situation because of their race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin. Racial discrimination can also occur when a policy or rule appears to treat everyone in the same way but actually has an unfair effect on more people of a particular race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin than others.
  • First woman to head a government Department Pat O'Shane.

    When Patricia O’Shane was appointed permanent head of the New South Wales Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs in 1981, she became not only the first Aboriginal person but also the first woman to become a permanent head of ministry in Australia.
  • Uluru is handed back to it's traditional owners.

    The return of Uluru to its traditional owners, Anangu, in 1985 was a controversial event. When they gave it back to the Aborigianals the Aborigianals said that they wanted to keep Uluru as a national park.
  • First Aboriginal woman to win a gold medal at the Commenwealth Games.

    Cathy Freemen was the first aboriginal woman to win gold at the Commenwealth Games.
  • The concil for Aboriginal Reconcillation.

    The Concil for Aboriganal Reconcillation was astablished as a starury authority on 2 september 1992.
  • Equal opportunity for woman in the workplace Act.

  • First woman deputy Prime Minister.

    The first woman deputy Prime minister was Julia Gillard.
  • First female Governor General of Australia.

    The first governor general of Australia is Quentin Bryce.
  • Prime Minister Keven Rudd, formally apologises to the stolen Generations.+