renascence timeline m.w. 3

  • Period: 1091 to 1296

    The Crusades

    The crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims. it started mainly to protect control of holy sites.
  • 1097

    Siege of Antioch

    The siege of Antioch was an important part of the crusades. Antioch lay on the crusaders' path to Palestine. The city was strategically located so it could be used for supplies.
  • 1097

    Battle of Civetot

    this was a battle during the crusades war. this was the first notable armed conflict between Christian and Muslim forces, resulting in a disastrous outcome for the Christian crusaders.
  • Jun 7, 1099

    siege of Jerusalem

    The Siege of Jerusalem was the deciding time of the first Crusade. " After achieving many successes in the lands surrounding Jerusalem, the Crusader forces finally converged on Jerusalem and laid siege to the city on June 7, 1099
  • Period: 1347 to 1352

    the black death

    The black death was a tragic worldwide epidemic of the bubonic plague that hit Asia and Europe during the mid-1300s. The plague arrived in Europe in October 1347.
  • 1348

    Plague spreads to england

    it spread in June of 1348. thankfully some people were able to escape by leaving England
  • 1348

    Persecution of jews

    Jews were blamed to be the reason for the illness. they claimed that the Jews did on purpose.
  • 1400

    The end of Pax Mongolica

    The end of Pax mongolica was marked by the disintegration on of the khanates. the black death continued to spread across trade routes in the 14th century
  • Period: 1400 to 1495

    Early Renaissance

    a period from about 1400 to 1500. it combines different types of art and architecture that came from the studies of classical sources.
  • Period: 1434 to

    Age of Exploration

    The age of exploration was a time when European nations began exploring the world. This started from the desire for spice and silk.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg printing press

    Gutenberg's invented the printing press. The printing press quickened the spread of knowledge and made new discoveries in renaissance Europe.
  • 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    when Columbus was trying to find a new water route he discovered America. He didn't actually discover "America" but a new world.
  • 1496

    Vasco de Gama sails around Africa

    Vasco de Gama was the first person who sailed from Europe to India. He did it by "Rounding Africa's Cape of Good Hope".
  • Period: 1496 to 1527

    High Renaissance

    The high renaissance was a time when new styles of art were formed. The art included symmetrical and compositional perfection.
  • 1503

    Da Vinci paints Mona Lisa

    The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the year 1503. what makes this painting so special is that Mona Lisa was not apart of any church.
  • 1504

    Michelangelo finishes "David"

    The Statue of David came to Symbolizes the independence and civil liberties of Florence. David's eyes cast a threatening glare in the direction of Rome, serving as a warning to anyone who dares to challenge the city.
  • 1511

    The Sistine chapel ceiling

    The Sistine chapel was created based upon " the creation of the heavens and earth". This is followed by the creation of Adam and Eve and the expulsion from the garden of Eden.
  • 1511

    Deisderius Erasmus wrote "Praise of Folly”

    a theological essay originally written in Latin in 1509 and published in 1511 by Desiderius Erasmus. The essay is a satirical work, and it criticizes the European society of the time.
  • 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa discovers Pacific Ocean.

    Vasco Nunez de balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean while in search of gold. This unlocked a new way for later Spanish exploration.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther also known as the "Father of the Reformation
    " He nailed his 95 these on a door of the Wittenberg Castle Chruch.
  • Period: 1517 to 1555

    Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant reformation was a religious development during the 1500s. people didn't like what was happening in the churches in western Europe.
  • 1521

    Diet worms

    The Diet of Worms was a verdict that was passed to excommunicate Martin Luther. He does not listen and later he translate the bible into German.
  • 1524

    The start of the European wars of religion

    This war was caused by the protestant reformation. this war was fought by Catholics and protestants.
  • Period: 1527 to

    Late Renaissance

    The late renaissance was a time in between the high renaissance and the and baroque period. it was also known for artworks that usually took other artwork a models.
  • 1528

    Baldassarre Castiglione wrote " The Book of the Courtier"

    Baldassare Castiglione wrote The Book of the Courtiers. It’s about the guide to ideal courtly behavior.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific revolution was a time that took place in Europe in the 17th century and marked advances in the natural sciences. scientists developed the scientific method in this period
  • 1570

    The excommunication of Elizabeth I

    The ex-communication of Elizabeth I was a big part of the Reformation. Pope Pius V declared that Elizabeth was a heretic. she was excommunicated by way of the Papal Bull order.
  • Kepler Publishes " Astronomia Nova"

    The Astronomic nova is the path of planets about the sun in an elliptical shape, with the center of the sun being located at one focus
  • Galileo Galilei's discoveries with the telescope

    he discovers the sunspots. Also he found Jupiter's moons.
  • Newton announces his colors theory to the Royal Society.

    Newton's color theory to the royal society was a theory that light was composed of combined colored particles. This theory has been proven even though the Royal Society didn't like it right away.