Reconstructing the Postwar World Timeline

  • Nationalists Escape to Taiwan

    Nationalists Escape to Taiwan
    Nationalists were trying to escape the Chinese communists when they fled to Taiwan in 1949.
  • Great Leap Forward

    Great Leap Forward
    Mao Zedong propsed a plan called the Great Leap Forward in 1958.
  • Cultural Revolution

    Cultural Revolution
    The Red Gaurds, Chinese commuinist teenagers, began the Cultural revolution - a series of intense rallies in favor of communism - in 1966.
  • Khmer Rouge

    Khmer Rouge
    The Khmer Rouge, "Red Rule", took place in Cambodia in 1968.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The capitol of Vietnam, Saigon, fell to the communists in 1975.