Rebecca Sliger History of Computers

  • The Z3

    The Z3
    Created by A german engineer by the name of Konrad Zuse. it is the first programable automatic commuting machine.
  • Colossus

    Was used by British codebreakers to decrypt codes from the germans in world war to . They were kept a secret until the 1970's. It processed 5,000 characters per second
  • Eniac

    It was called the giant brain by press immediately after it's release.
    It weigh about 27 tons and they used it to make the hydrogen bomb.
  • The Whirlwind

    The Whirlwind
    This was the first computer with video display. It had 512 bytes pf memory and could do 20,00 instructions per second
  • Univac I

    Univac I
    This was the first computer created in the United States. It weighed 13 tons and preformed at about 1,905 instructions per second.

    Was the first super computer , and it was the most powerful computer of it's time. It preformed 15,000 operations per second
  • Datasaab D2

    Datasaab D2
    This was a compact computer built in Sweden. It weighed 200kg and could be a desktop. It had 15 kilobyte and could preform 100,000 additions per second.
  • Honeywell 200

    Honeywell 200
    It was an assembly of the most easy code.
  • UNIVAC 1108

    UNIVAC 1108
    It had more than 1 MG of word memory in it which was quite rear at the time. Note: photo of the UNIVAC 1108 created in 1969
  • The First Microprocesser

    The First Microprocesser
    It was a 12 custom chip calculator. This is how intel was created
  • The Floppy Disc

    The Floppy Disc
    It was a disc that held data. It was about an 8 inch disk.
  • Video Games Were Invented

    Video Games Were Invented
    The first successful video game was the atari and it plugged into the TV. It was a game called pong similar to table tennis.
  • The Winchester Hard Disk Drive

    The Winchester Hard Disk Drive
    This was the first sealed disk drive.
  • Ethernet - Local Area Network.

    Ethernet - Local Area Network.
    A concept of long distance point to point packet- switch networking.
  • The Atair

    The Atair
    It was the first personal computer. IT was designed by Ed Roberts.
  • The Apple II computer

    The Apple II computer
    It was one that was actually useful strait out of the box. It cost $1,298 equivalent to todays $4,700
  • Pac Man

    Pac Man
    It was an online game. It was first released in Japan.
  • Windows 1985

    Windows 1985
    It was developed by Microsoft and used by Apple in 1984. It was then mass produced for personal use in 1985
  • Intel 80486

    Intel 80486
    Was used more then a million transistors.
  • Apple Macintosh system 7

    Apple Macintosh system 7
    It was the introduction of virtual Memory
  • The First MP3

    The First MP3
    This is the first known mp3 created by an unknown company in south Korea.
  • The first IPod

    The first IPod
    It Had the scroll button . It was at first a mac-only product.
  • The first IPhone

    The first IPhone
    The first cellphone that had handheld access to the internet.
  • The Iphone 7 plus

    The Iphone 7 plus
    It is a 5.50 inch screen with apple core on it.
  • The Samsung 8

    The Samsung 8
    It is calmed to be waterproof up to1.5 meter and is claimed to work better.