

  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla
    The Croatian Nikola Tesla made his first public demonstration of a radio broadcast.
  • Guillermo Marconi

    Guillermo Marconi
    The Italian Guillermo Marconi built the first radio system.
  • He got it

    Guillermo Marconi
    managed to send signals to the other side of the Atlantic, through 3360 km of ocean, he did with Tesla´s pattents.
  • The Monterrey

    The Monterrey
    The first experimental station is installed for the first time in Monterrey.
  • First radio broadcoast

    First radio broadcoast
    First radio broadcast by Mr. Adolfo Gomez Hernandez.

    The capital of the country is installed, XEOY-FM, the first broadcaster in Latin America that broadcasts in the system.
  • Groups

    It joins the
    first group of radio stations
  • Guillermo Salas Peyró

    Guillermo Salas Peyró
    Guillermo Salas Peyró got it a real impulse to the FM.
  • Broadcasting

    Digital Audio broadcasting, which provides signal reception and can work with conventional terrestrial satellites and transmissions.