Radio History

  • Macaroni

    (Yes I know I put Macaroni instead of Marconi) He invented the first radio by sending a radio signal and getting a radio signal
  • Audion tube

    Audion tube
    .A tube that amplified signals
  • FCC sets a testing schedule for proposed all-digital HDTV system

    FCC sets a testing schedule for proposed all-digital HDTV system
    Following a demonstration by Philips two years earlier of a high-definition TV (HDTV) system for satellite transmission, the Federal Communications Commission sets a testing schedule for a proposed all-digital HDTV system. By the end of the century, digital HDTV, which produces better picture and sound than analog television and can transmit more data faster, is on the verge of offering completely interactive TV.
  • Radio Stations

    Radio Stations
    KDKA was the first radio station ever made.
  • FRC

    Organizing the license of transmitters
  • Television

    Since television came out advertisers when to television to show their product instead of talking about it, So radio lost advertisers.
  • FM Radio

    FM Radio
    Edwin Howard Armstrong develops frequency modulation, or FM, radio as a solution to the static interference problem that plagues AM radio transmission, especially in summer when electrical storms are prevalent. Rather than increasing the strength or amplitude of his radio waves, Armstrong changes only the frequency on which they are transmitted. However, it will be several years before FM receivers come on the market.
  • Transistor is invented

    Transistor is invented
    The future of radio and television is forever changed when John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley of Bell Laboratories co-invent the transistor.
  • RCA’s new system for commercial

    RCA’s new system for commercial
    RCA beats out rival CBS when the National Television System Committee adopts RCA’s new system for commercial color TV broadcasting. CBS has pioneered color telecasting, but its system is incompatible with existing black-and-white TV monitors throughout the country.
  • Integrated circuit

    Integrated circuit
    Jack S. Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor, working independently, create the integrated circuit, a composite semiconductor block in which transistor, resistor, condenser, and other electrical components are manufactured together as one unit. Initially, the revolutionary invention is seen primarily as an advancement for radio and television, which together were then the nation’s largest electronics industry.