Queen elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth the First Biography

  • Sep 7, 1533

    Birth of Elizabeth

    Birth of Elizabeth
    Elizabeth was born on September 7,1533. She was the daughter of King Henry the 8th and Anne Boleyn. She was born in Greenwich Palace. (britroyals.com)
  • Dec 19, 1543

    Theory of the Earth

    Theory of the Earth
    Copernicus created his theory about the earth not being the canter of the universe in 1543. He believed that the earth and othe rplanets orbited around the sun. He called this theory the Copernican Revoluton. This theory changed asrtonomy in an imapcting way. (inventors.about.com)
  • Mar 18, 1554


    Elizabeth was imprisoned on March 18, 1554. She was sentenced death for treason. She was imprisoned until she confessed. Elizabeth was imprisoned int he bell tower. Her half sister Mary was the one who had her imprisoned. (elizabethan-era.org.uk)
  • Nov 10, 1555

    French Colonly in South America

    French Colonly in South America
    A group of Norman and Breton sailors found the first French colony in South America. They found this colony in the year of 1555. The colony wa snear present day Rio de Janerio. (brycchancarey.com)
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Becoming queen

    Becoming queen
    Elizabeth became queen on January 15, 1559. When she became queen she was at the age of 25. Her coronation was about 16,800 pounds which is $3.5 million. She ruled for 45 years and she ruled alone. Elizabeth was the 5th and last Tudor ruler. (historytoday.com and Grant 45)
  • Oct 18, 1562

    Survived the Smallpox

    Survived the Smallpox
    Elizabeth had caught the smallpox, which took days for her to be diagnosed with. Nothing could be done to help her and nothing could pull her through this illness. She was cured from the smallpox when someone got Burcot to her bedside. Some say she was wrapped in blankets and one of her hands was in a "comfortable potion" which caused her temperature to go down and for her to survive. (Williams 58)
  • Sep 21, 1563

    Establishment of the Chruch

    Establishment of the Chruch
    In 1563 Queen Elizabeth established the Church of England. She established this church to try and make up for all the bad she had done in her past. Catholics had to be secretive but Protestants expected many good things to come from Elizabeth's actions. She was willing to accept Catholocism and Puritans as long as they were loyal. (Canning 439)
  • Dec 19, 1569

    Mercator Map Created

    Mercator Map Created
    In 1569, Gerardus Mercator invented the Mercator Map. The map is used as a navigational tool. The map has some distortion to it but it is a map of the earth's flat surface. Gerardus was the leading map maker in this time.(geography.about.com)
  • Dec 19, 1570

    Excommunicated from the Church

    Excommunicated from the Church
    In 1570 Queen Elizabeth was excommunicated by the Catholic church. She was excommunicated because of persecution of English Catholics during the time she was queen. Queen Elizabeth was excommunicated by Pope Pius the 5th. (britroyals.com)
  • Dec 19, 1578

    War with France

    War with France
    France was always against Elizabeth during her reign. In a little before 1578 Elizabeth had gained support from France. In 1578 she had offered her hand in marriage to the duke but she was denied. England and France had gained support in eachother when Elizabeth made negotiations with them. (historylearningsite.co.uk)
  • Invention of the Microscope

    Invention of the Microscope
    In 1590, two dutch men realized that with certain lenses objects would increase in size. That was the start to the compound microscope and the telescope. Then in 1609, Galileo heard of these experiences and started working on a better way of lenses. (inventors.about.com)
  • New Inventions: Galileo Galilei

    New Inventions: Galileo Galilei
    In 1593, Galileo invented the thermometer. The thermometer was made of water and a glass bulb. The water would move up and down the glass as the tempertaure changed. There were many changes to this invention. (enchantedlearning.com)
  • William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    In 1594 Shakespeare became a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain's Men which was one of the most popluar acting companies. He often perfomed plays for Queen Elizabeth and wrote many famous plays. His whole career he stayed with this company and succeeded by writing and perfoming in many more shows. (shakespeareinamericancommunities.org)
  • East India Company

    East India Company
    Queen Elizabeth granted the East India Company charter in 1600. The East India Company made less progess in the East Indies than India. This did not last very long. This charter was made to break the "Dutch monopoly" of the trade of spices. (history.com)
  • Helping the Needy

    Helping the Needy
    Elizabethan "poor law" charges parishes with providing for the poor and needy. This was created in 1601 when the rate of poverty increased. Each parish had to elect two "overseers" who had to help the poor, the overseers were unpaid and often unwilling to help. They usually helped the people who could not get jobs due to things like illness. (victorianweb.org)
  • Death of Queen Elizabeth

    Death of Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth the First died on March 24, 1603.She died from blood poisoning. Queen Elizabeth the First was buried on April 28,1603, a month after she died. (britroyals.com)