GC1 Queen Elizabeth I to Gandhi

  • Queen Elizabeth I Dies

    Queen Elizabeth I Dies
    Queen Elizabeth I dies with no children to take the throne.
  • James VI moves to England

    James VI moves to England
    James was Queen Elizabeth I closest royal relative to Elizabeth as her cousin. He took the throne in England after his cousin had died.
  • Charles I is beheaded

    During the English Revolution Charles I was beheaded in the rebellion at the age of 48
  • India starts to try and gain their independence

    India wants to break way from Britain
  • Gandhi starts movement to gain independence for india

    Gandhi starts movement to gain independence for india
    Gandhi started the peace movement
  • India gains their independence with Gandhi's help

    India gains their independence with Gandhi's help
    Britian had control over India until the 1940s when they gained their independence after a long fight.