
Pure Soul Promotional Plan - Beckam Provan

  • Coupon Plan

    Pure Soul is releasing a new coupon plan that will allow customers to receive a free meal every for every 5 meals/drinks. In order to have access to this coupon plan it is a monthly fee of $10 per person on the plan. You are allowed an unlimited amount of free meals/drinks.
  • Traffic Builder

    Pure soul has posted online ads on Facebook to inform the community about the new coupons, coupon plans, sweepstakes and product samples. To reach the events and more information go to @Pure-soul on Facebook.
  • Period: to

    Coupons Validation Date

    Today Coupons of 30% off will be handed out to each customer that comes to dine at Pure soul, You are allowed one coupon per bill of any amount. These coupons are valid for the next 2 weeks.
  • Product samples

    On October 15th we will be giving out free samples at muskego public park. We will give out many different foods and drinks we offer at Pure Soul. These samples will be free and offered to anyone whom comes to the event.
  • Period: to

    Pure Soul Sweepstake

    The restaurant will be hosting a sweepstakes. You will receive 1 ticket for every meal/drink you have at our restaurant, you are allowed to have as many drinks/meals as you want and eat as many times as you want. The tickets will be handed out to everyone who eats for the next 2 weeks. The tickets will be put in a big bowl and will all be mixed then shook up. The winner of the contest gets two free meals per week for the next month.