Relevant Events in the History of Psychology

  • 2000 BCE

    Aristoteteles and Plato

    Aristoteteles and Plato
    Where does knowledge come from? One says it's all about what's outside, the other says it's the inside: experience vs. rationalism.
    It's a debate that will knock on many other philosophers' minds throughout history.
  • Principles of Frenology!

    Principles of Frenology!
    [Early 1800s] Outdated. They all turned out to be more fake than clickbait.
  • Sir Francis Galton does statistics!

    Sir Francis Galton does statistics!
    [1800s] He uses them to measure common trends in groups of people. Interesting.
  • Weber and Fechner, and the sensitive threshold!

    Weber and Fechner, and the sensitive threshold!
    [1800s] With physics! How elegant! At this point, experimental psychology is just getting warmed up.
  • France knows what it's all about!

    France knows what it's all about!
    [Late 1800s] Their contributions were key to position psychology as a serious science as the 20th century arrived. Don't trust me? Ask Paul Broca!
  • Modern scientific psychology emerges from Germany!

    Modern scientific psychology emerges from Germany!
    Scientists such as Wilhelm Wundt and his lab enable it to emerge.
  • Classical Conditioning and Pavlov's dogs!

    Classical Conditioning and Pavlov's dogs!
    [Late 1800s] The bell rang and they really expected food! Crazy! Behaviourism's first big step into the future.
  • Hermann Ebbinghaus studies human memory!

    Hermann Ebbinghaus studies human memory!
    [Late 1800s] With himself. Pretty nifty.
  • Freud and Breuer and their studies on hysteria!

    Freud and Breuer and their studies on hysteria!
    And 'psychoanalisis' is born! Freud really liked digging into people's deepest emotions, experiences and thoughts.
  • William James doesn't agree with Wundt!

    William James doesn't agree with Wundt!
    [Early 1900] He rejects his structuralism-related ideas and proposes functionalism, which has to be better, because it's american, you know.
  • That was not ethical at all!

    That was not ethical at all!
    The very well-known classical conditioning experiment of scaring the sh*t out of poor Little Albert is carried out by John B. Watson, to prove that not only dogs can have a behavior alteration based on stimuli. In the name of science, why not?
  • Humanist psychology takes place!

    Humanist psychology takes place!
    After WWII, a more philosophically-based approach appeared. The two dudes in the picture are Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.
  • Cognitivism ist cooler!

    Cognitivism ist cooler!
    It focused more on the mind's internal processes related to knowledge. The swiss Jean Piaget is shown in the picture.