
  • Factoring

    What Does factoring a quadratic equation has to do with determining the path of a projectile? Factoring can help you graph the data and find the parabola. The parabola indicates the height, and how far it goes in the air. Also, where the projectile lands. The begining and end of the parabola tell you where the projectile started and ended. The middle of the parabola shows you the projectiles highest point reached was.
  • Quadratic Formulas

    The formula has the numbers that help you determine where to projectile: starts, ends, and how high the object goes. As well as the distance traveled.
  • Projectile Formulas

    Y= -490t2+ (Upward Velocity)+(Starting Height) X= (forward velocity)*t horizontal distance after T
  • Launch Numbers

    10 degrees- 196 cm
    50 degrees- 336 cm