Progression to World War 1

  • Period: to

    Triple Allience

    Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Italy
    The reason italy was in the Alliance was to prevent Italy from declaring war against Austria-Hungary. France and Germany were both strong countries that were worried the other was going to invade.
  • Alliance of Russia and France

    Alliance of Russia and France
    Alliance is when you make a treaty with someone to not attack them and to work together. This is important because It allowed France and Russia to attack Germany on both sides.
    The 1882 Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy had left Russia vulnerable, and France teamed up with Russia to attack them on both sides.
  • Period: to

    European arms race/militarism

    the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests. This is important because this the reason so many people were willing to join the military and give up thier lives.
  • Creatio of Triple Entente

    Creatio of Triple Entente
    Russia, France, and Britain. England Russia and France's allaiance was important to ww1 because they attacked germany on both sides. Entente means "agreement".
  • Austria Annexing Bosnia and herzegovina

    Austria Annexing Bosnia and herzegovina
    This is important because it made Serbia madder. And want to fight with Austria more. There were Slavic people lives there and Austria took it over and made Serbia mad.
  • Rise of Kaiser Wilhems 11

    Rise of Kaiser Wilhems 11
    This was important because Germany fought back against the French and Russians. Ths unified Germany so that can fight back.
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    This was important becaue it made the war start it made Austria-Hungry go to war with Serbia.
  • Declaration of World War 1 (First Day of War)

    Declaration of World War 1 (First Day of War)
    The first day of war is important because it starts the "Great" War. And everyone is excited to fight for their country,
  • Great Britian Declares War of Germany

    Great Britian Declares War of Germany
    Great Britian is important because it fights German because its protecting Belgium. This al brought in Japan from all the way over in Asia because England and Japan are allies.
  • The Battle Lines are Drawn- Central Power and Allies

    The Battle Lines are Drawn- Central Power and Allies
    in World War I the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary and other nations allied with them in opposing the Allies. The allies are important because if they didn't exist the war would just be between Austria-Hugry and Serbia.