president Warren G. Harding

  • Birth

    Warren G. Harding was born on a cool November night to his parents George Tryon and Phoebe Elizabeth Dickerson Harding.
  • schooling

    Warren. G Harding had no formal education besides a one room classroom in his town of Blooming Grove, Ohio. When he was 14 Harding attended Ohio Central Collage until he graduated in 1882 to become a rural school teacher.
  • Teacher

    Harding begins to teach at a country school outside of Marion, Ohio. after collage.
  • Wedding Bells

    Wedding Bells
    On July 8, 1891 Warren G Harding marries Florence Mable Kling and she becomes Florence Mable Harding. The pair never had children
  • Switching Jobs

    Switching Jobs
    Harding switches from being a teacher to be an insurance sales agent for more privacy for him and his wife.
  • first time in politics

    first time in politics
    In 1900 Harding was elected to serve as Ohio state Senater and he successfully did so for four years until 1904
  • Moving up in life

    Moving up in life
    In 1904 after being a Ohio Senator for four years Harding ran for governor but got beat and but to lutenat governor position
  • Mothers Death

    Mothers Death
    Harding's mother Phoebe Elizabeth Harding dies at age 66 on May 20, 1910 and is buried in Marion Cemetery this is exactly 10 years before Harding decided to run for president in the election of 1920.
  • Mine Workers v.s Coal Co.

    Mine Workers v.s Coal Co.
    Supreme Court rules that striking miners are liable for damage inflicted upon company property and it is the first in a number of attempts to control organized labor that has because increasingly volatile after the war.
  • WorldWar1 comes to an end

    WorldWar1 comes to an end
    At the end of world war 1 It was almost time for a new presidential campaign this is what helped to get Harding in office with his campaign being for a return to normalcy.
  • Women can vote

    Women can vote
    In the August of 1920 just before Harding was elected the 19th amendment was passed as constitutional with a unanimous vote in Washington.
  • Election of 1920

    Election of 1920
    On November 2, 1920 Harding won the election against his main rival James M. Cox in a very close race that Harding came out on top by a landslide . Warren G. Harding gran as a republican.
  • Maternity Act

    Maternity Act
    The Shepard-Towner Maternity Act is an act that gave a portion of government funds to Parent and children centers for the poor.
  • Final Troops

    Final Troops
    Finally after the end of the war in 1921 the final american troops that where in Europe at the time are brought back to the states and all the surviving american troops are safely brought home
  • Inauguration

    on this day Warren G. Harding gave a 3,326 word speech addressing return to normalcy after world war 1.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Started in 1921 when Secretary Albert. B Fall leases the Teapot dome oil reserves to private owners to be in control of the oil instead of the government this land was sold to people in California and Wyoming along with opening more oil reserves to sell to more people in the governments name. This was found out after Harding's death in 1924.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    This law limited the number of immigrants from any given country to 3%. This law only lasted 3 years and was replace by a much harsher law in 2024
  • Emergency Tariff Act

    Emergency Tariff Act
    Harding and Congress pass the Emergency Tariff Act. Raising tariffs, especially on farm products, the temporary bill will be replaced one year later by the Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
  • First woman in House of Representatives

    First woman in House of Representatives
    Alice Robertson was the first person to preside over the house of representatives as a republican and almost defeating William Hasting.
  • Change in Chief

    Change in Chief
    On this day former president William Taft became Chief of Justice in the supreme court over Edward D. White with the help of a suggestion from Harding.
  • Unemployment conference

    Unemployment conference
    The Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover presides over a conference on unemployment in Washington, D.C., as unemployment reaches a post-war high of 5.7 million.
  • Budget and Accounting Act

    Budget and Accounting Act
    Harding signs the Budget and Accounting Act in order to better organize the federal government's accounts. The act establishes the Bureau of the Budget and the General Accounting Office under the Treasury Department.
  • Cable Act

    Cable Act
    The cable act gave women the right to stay a US citizen even when they have married an immigrant man.
  • Casper Volstead Act

    Casper Volstead Act
    This act said farmers could buy and sell without fear they would be prosecuted under federal law, and provides limited antitrust exemption to associations of producers; such limited exemption comes about by legally permitting reduction of competition among farmers
  • Squirrel

    This is the day Warren G. Harding's pet squirrel Pete made his first appearance as a presidential pet.
  • Accusations of Charles Forbes

    Accusations of Charles Forbes
    Charles Forbes, head of the newly established Veterans Bureau, was accused of accepting kickbacks from contractors building veterans’ hospitals and illegally selling surplus medical supplies. Forbes resigned in February 1923. It was later found out that he had stolen more than 200 million dollars in government funds.
  • Speaking tour

    Speaking tour
    Harding and his wife leave for his “voyage of understanding,” a transcontinental speaking tour across Alaska and the West designed to strengthen the faith of the people in the middle of many scandals and accusations. This is the tour Harding would later die on.
  • Pneumonia

    Warren g. Harding is officially diagnosed with pneumonia as his condition worsens with a heart rate of 125.
  • Death

    Warren G. Harding Dies from prominent poisoning that later turned into pneumonia
  • Funeral

    Warren G. Harding's casket was adorned with a flag and a spread eagle made with red, white, and blue flowers that had been designed by his wife Florence Harding. Later that afternoon the funeral train departed for Marion, Ohio, where a final funeral service was held eight days after his death.