Post Classical Timeline

  • 476

    Germanic Kingdoms

    Germanic Kingdoms
    Series of Germanic kindgoms, including the Visigoths, the Franges, the Angles and Saxons.
    They lacked political and social organization.
    They still managed to have an impressive imperial state.
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500

    Post Classical Timeline

    The Post-Classical period is best exemplified with the WHAP themes of state-building, expansion, and conflict and creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems. Throughout these chapters, there is much rise and fall of kingdoms and empires. There are many different leaders, many different areas of power. There are agricultural and social developments, such as caste systems, fast rippening rice and more. There are revolts and the development of trade. It was overall a time of expansion
  • 527

    The Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire
    The Byzantine Empire began with Constantine.
    One of the Early rulers was Justinian.
    They expanded and organized trade.
  • Feb 11, 661

    Umayyad Dynasty

    Umayyad Dynasty
    Some of the most prominent of the Meccan merchant class.
    Network of alliances helped them bring stability to the Islamic community.
  • Feb 11, 750

    Abbasid Dynasty

    Abbasid Dynasty
    A very cosmopolitan dynasty.
    Was not a dynasty focused on conquering.
    Focused on administering the empire that they did have.
  • Feb 11, 1206

    Sultanate of Delhi

    Sultanate of Delhi
    An Islamic state established by sultans at the capital Dehli.
    Large army.
    Authority did not extend much past Dehli.
  • Sui Dynasty

    Sui Dynasty
    Yang Jian imposed tight political discapline.
    Believed in a strong, centralized government.
    Much architecture and building.
    The Grand Canal was constructed.
  • Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    Most influencial emperor was Tang Taizong.
    Created the Equal-Field system.
    Military expansion.
  • Song Dynast

    Song Dynast
    Led by Song Taizu.
    So big it needed to collect more taxes, leading to major rebllions.
    They did not have a sucessful military system.