
political party

  • Federalists

    *started calling them selves federalists
    *lost control tof gov. to jefferson in 1800
    *they were in minority party
  • Democrats

    *1828 andrew jackson was elected president
    *Andrew changed the named from democratic republicans to democrats
    *people left and created the whig party
  • rebublican

    *they were majority of the party
    *ealier they fought against gov.
    *today bot parties agree on general secuirity
  • green party

    *they wanted a demorcratic environment that was more clean and safe
    *now they recieve 1 half of all us income
    *they are now apporved by the us
  • democratic republicans

    *jeffersons new group called themselves democratic republicans
    *followed democratics so they could limit federal gov as much as possible
    *were with the revolutionary of france
  • progressive party

    *has two party system
    *1912 they had an argument wiht repulblicans wich led to a different party called the progressive
    *1930 they reached there greatest strength during the great depression