Phonics Timeline

  • Began CCP

    Through high school, I knew that I needed to get more out of the experience than just "senior year." I began College Credit Plus and it kickstarted my college career.
  • Chose my Major

    I chose to major in special intervention and early childhood education. This is what I had always wanted to do, but I never knew which program would help me fulfill that desire. I took my intro to the teaching profession class and decided then, that this was the major for me.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I began my first job at Subway. This, of course isn't where I want to be forever. (Hence why I'm in college), but I did learn a lot from having a fast food job. If anything, it's encouraged me to do better with my education in order to have my dream job opposed to where I am now.
  • Senior Prom/Engagement

    Senior Prom/Engagement
    I have been in a relationship for the past three years and for all three if those years, I have gone to prom with my boyfriend. (Now my fiancé) While getting pictures done, my date dropped to one knee and proposed. Many people have told me that I'm too young, but I know that our future is bright.
  • Graduation

    Of course, I graduated. I felt a but out of place because I didn't attend my actual high school my senior year. However, I did have that fulfillment that I needed to move on to be a full time college student.
  • Sophomore Year

    Sophomore year has begun and I have started my classes. Most if my general education classes are completed and I have begun my core classes that pertain to my major. This Phonics class, alongside many others are important to my future career. In my Phonics class, I plan to learn more about language and the processes of speech. I hope to become a better interpreter and educator from what I learn in this class.