Peter the Great Timeline

  • Peter Alexeyevich is born

    Peter Alexeyevich is born
    Peter Alexeyevich is born the youngest of two male children into the royal family of his deceased father Czar Alexis Mikhailovich
  • Peter's Father Dies

    Peter's Father Dies
    Peter's father Tsar Alexis dies, an event that would both psychologically affect Peter (a paternal absence that would drive his desire of power and lack of restraint), and set the course of his life as a monarch
  • Peter Shares the Throne with Brother Ivan V

    Peter Shares the Throne with Brother Ivan V
    After his sister Sophia was forced to retire to a convent, Peter and his half-brother Ivan V ruled Russia together
  • Peters Assumes Full Power in Russia

    After Ivan's death in 1696, Peter assumes full power, becoming the sole ruler of the tsardom
  • Peter Seizes the Azov Region from Turkish Control

    After his expedition to the white sea, Peter seizes the Azov region from Turkish control, securing Russia's control over it
  • Peter Explores Europe

    Peters takes an expedition to Germany, Britain, and the Netherlands, taking note of the most advanced technology and science Europe had to offer, as well as examples of their fashion and style. This trip influences him to westernize Russia.
  • Peter Remodels Army and Navy

    Peter remodels his Russian army and navy off the European military. Though a bumpy transition at first, this eventually becomes a great success.
  • Peter Defeats Sweedish Forces

    Peter and his army defeat Swedish forces at Erestfer and Livonia. This is followed by Peter occupying the valley of the Neva River in December 1702.
  • Saint Petersburg is Founded

    Saint Petersburg is Founded
    Peter founds the city of Saint Petersburg, which makes use of free labor, resulting in the death of many from diseases and rough working conditions.
  • Peter Seiges Control Over Narva

    Peter the Great besieges Narva successfully, expanding the scope of Russia's power.
  • Peter Takes Down Sweden's Army and its Leader

    Peter used his forces to practically obliterate the Swedish army and defeat Charles XII of Sweden at the Battle of Poltava, disposing the Northern threat as a result
  • Peter Marries Catherine I

    Peter Marries Catherine I
    Peter officially marries his second and last wife Catherine I in 1712. After his death she became his long-running successor under the title Catherine the Great. Their marriage was a secret one at first, for Catherine was a peasant, but he valued her fierce intelligence, telling of his refusal to submit to the established expectations of a czar.
  • Peter's Son Dies in Prison

    Peter's Son Dies in Prison
    Peter's only surviving son and heir to the throne Alexei is suspected of conspiring against the empire, and confesses to it under torture. He dies in prison. Peter is deeply saddened by the death and the betrayal of his only heir to the throne.
  • Peter Gains Control Over the Baltic Sea

    Peter once again attacks the Swedish fleet near Hangö in the Baltic on July 7, 1714. By doing so Peter gained control of the Baltic Sea, including Livonia, Estonia, Ingria and southern Karelia by treaty in 1721
  • Peter Becomes Empire of all Russians

    Peter Becomes Empire of all Russians
    Peter's modernization and expansion of Russia are the precedent for him taking the title of Empire of all Russians (rather then czar, as he formerly was).
  • Peter Dies

    Peter Dies
    Peter dies in his home of Saint Petersburg. The cause is a cold he caught while attempting to save soldiers who had fallen into the Neva River.