Peter the Great

  • Launching ships

    He launched about thirty ships against the Ottomans in 1696, capturing Azov in July of that year.
  • In 1696 Peter became sole ruler of Russia

    Peter brought the Russian orthodox church under state control and also reduced the power of the great landowners.
  • Peter was 24 years old when he became the sole ruler of Russia

    He was one of Russia’s greatest reformers.
  • Peter resolved that Russia would compete with Europe on both military and commercial terms

    Many people disagreed with Peter’s decision that Russia needed a change.
  • Peter was building a city on a desolate swamp

    Every summer the army forced thousands of luckless serfs to leave home and work in St. Petersburg. An estimated 25,000 to 100,000 people died from the terrible working conditions and widespread diseases.
  • Peter abolished the office of Patriarch, head of the church

    He set up a group called the Holy Synod to run the church under his direction.
  • Peter believed that education was a key to Russia’s progress

    To promote education and growth, Peter wanted a seaport that would make it easier to travel to the West.
    Therefore, peter fought Sweden to gain a piece of the Baltic coast. That was 21 long years of war and Russia won.