Peter the Great

  • Peter the Great's birth

    Peter the Great's birth
    This is the date that the tsar of Russia is born
  • Grand Embassy

    Peter went to the Grand Embassy in western Europe to learn European culture.
  • New Calender

    New Calender
    Peter the Great enforces the use of the Eastern Orthodox Church calendar, to celebrate the new year
  • Revolts against Peter

    Many peasants were fed up with Peter's high taxes and were revolting against Peter's rule
  • Russia Splits Into 8 Sections

    Russia Splits Into 8 Sections
    Peter made the decision to split Russia into 8 different groups each having a leader with their own tsar
  • Marriage

    In 1712 Peter the Great marries Catherine I.
  • Peter's Navy

    Peter built up his navy to a massive size of 52 Battleships.
  • Table of Ranks

    Table of Ranks
    Peter created the table of ranks consisting of 14 different ways to rank people in social classes.
  • Poll Tax

    Peter the Great created the poll tax so he could afford his massive army
  • Period: to

    Persian Battles

    Peter invaded the Persian territory.
  • Death of Peter

    Death of Peter
    In 1725 Peter died ,and his wife came into power