Pet Timeline

By Laurene
  • Jaeger's birthday

    Jaeger's birthday
    Jaeger is born, determined not to waste a minute of his time on earth sleeping.
  • Winkler's birthday

    Winkler's birthday
    Winkler comes into the world, ready to take it on at full speed!
  • Wiler's birthday

    Wiler's birthday
    Wiler is born to an unwed, homeless mother, only to be found 5 weeks later hiding in a bush in a median.
  • Coquina's birthday

    Coquina's birthday
    Coquina is born, masquerading as a vanilla cat.
  • Crockett's birthday

    Crockett's birthday
    Crockett, one of the world's rare beadle collies, is born. The world subsequently became a much happier place.
  • Goodbye Jaeger

    Goodbye Jaeger
    Jaeger leaves the world on his own terms, having run 3 miles in the morning and stolen a milk bone.