Personal Timeline Project

By PhillO
  • Period: to

    Timeline of Life

  • First Pet

    My first pet was found hiding under one of our cars. He was a chow and golden retriever mix and lived to be 14 years old. He had a profound effect on my life with his companionship.
  • First Day of School

    I was a very shy child. Having to move on to a place where i had no comfort was very disconerting. It helped me to break out of my shell.
  • My First Computer

    I had played around and used other's computers, but had never had one I could call my own until this day. I was free to experiment with it as I saw fit and learned much about computers. My career goals were shaped by the experiences I had with this one computer.
  • Stock Market Game

    I won third place in the stock market game. This involved buying stocks that would grow in value the most in a certain period of time. I made very calculated and lucky decisions in order to win.
  • Promotion From Elementary School

    I promoted from elementary school into middle school. The teachers and friends that went along with me for the ride through my elementary school life shaped me into what I am now. I cannot thank them enough for the positive influence they had on my life.
  • Joined AVID

    Joining AVID was the best decision of my life. It helped shape who I am today and I owe a great deal to the teachers and students who have touched my life over the years. I would be a very different person if not for my experiences in AVID.
  • Valedictorean-7th Grade

    Valedictorean-7th Grade
    I was very suprised when I received the Valedictorean award for the 7th grade year. I worked extremely hard to earn straight A's, especially because the switch from elementary and middle school was quite difficult. I actually didn't find out I won valedictorean for quite some time until after promotion.
  • First Chickens

    My family and I took care and loved these chickens to death. They had great pesonalities and their needs taught me a great deal of responsibility. The fresh supply of eggs was a plus.
  • Promotion To High School

    Promotion to High School from Middle School was a very important event. My life was forever changed for the better from the experiences I had there. I knew that high school would be a great experience.
  • President's Award

    President's Award
    I was honored by the president for my outstanding academic achievement in Middle School. This was an immense honor and was the product of a great many struggles in my academic life. The award was not just an honor, but also reaffirmed me in my attitude to try my best and see where it takes me.
  • Passed Speech Proficiency

    I passed my speech proficiency exam with a 100%. This was quite an achievement for me because I was scared out of my wits to give a speech in front of the entire class. I feel that the challenge was one of the defining moments in my life due to the obstacle overcome to speak publicly.
  • Volunteering At A School Fair

    I volunteered at an elementary school. The experience helped me to understand that I like helping people. It was the first time I had volunteered and it was a lot of fun.

    I passed the CAHSEE with a very high score in all subjects that were tested. I was very proud of this accomplishment because I knew that now I had met one of the requirements to graduate High School. My time to build up to this was well worth it because I have overcome an obstacle to graduating.
  • AVID College Field Trip

    AVID College Field Trip
    I went on the field trip with AVID to L.A. to tour colleges and maybe find a school that was right for me. I grew and made many new friends throughout the trip. Even though it was an academic trip, it was extremely fun.
  • Got Driving Permit

    I passed my permit test which I studied very hard for. It was my first try which I was ver proud of. The test proved much harder than I had anticipated, so I was suprised I passed.