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Personal Timeline-----APUSH

  • Bryce Norbert Gerondale.....IS BORN!!!

    Bryce Norbert Gerondale.....IS BORN!!!
    Weighing a whopping nine pounds and at a length of 21 inches, the 3rd Gerondale kid was sworn into his family. Bryce Norbert Gerondale was born in West Point, NY.
  • Period: to

    Modern History Events

  • President George W. Bush is Inauge

    President George W. Bush is Inauge
    President Bush becomes the 43rd President of the U.S.
  • 9/11

    Terrorist group, Al-Qaeda seizes four commercial US airlines. The hijackers crash two of the planes into the Twin Towers in NeW York City. This attack sparked the culmination of terrorost threats. From then on, America established military-based actions toward Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.
  • Pre-School Begins

    Pre-School Begins
    My school career begins :(
  • Introduction to Hockey

    Introduction to Hockey
    This was the first time my skates were laced up and I stepped on ice feeling like a champion. My first session of Learn to Skate had begun....Now 13 years later I have grown into a developed hockey player ready to score goals and cheer on my teammates.
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    U.S. forces are sent in by Bush to overthrow the leader of Iraq and establish a democracy stle government. US military forces do so and acheive their objectives meeting heavy resistance with the terrorist groups hiding in Iraq.
  • Facebook is Created

    Facebook is Created
    One of the first online social media begins. Facebook is now a worldwide usage of people to stay in touch with one another.
  • Mars Exploration, Rovers land on Planet Mars

    Mars Exploration, Rovers land on Planet Mars
    Two Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity were launched into outer space and landed safely on planet Mars as the first objects to do so.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    America suffers it's worst natural disaster as a Category 3 Hurricane makes it way up the Gulf of Mexico. Katrina, hitting hardest in New Orleans, led costly effects to the US people and economy.
  • Introduction to Golf

    Introduction to Golf
    My dad took me out to the driving range at Saskatoon golf course. I had the opportunity to swing my first golf club. Even at the start, I was hooked on becoming a golfer.
  • My life is almost taken

    My life is almost taken
    This date could have been recorded as my death date as I examined 65 bee stings on me. All the poison inside of me, caused a big allergic reaction and I came to a point where my face literally turned a shade of purple. The stings of the bees almost stopped my heart from pumping blood and I was lucky enough to keep my life. From then on, I learned to play safer in the woods.
  • First Apple Iphone is Released

    First Apple Iphone is Released
    The first Apple Iphone is released, marking a new generation in cell phone technology. Apple will then sky-rocket to the number one gross producing corporation world-wide.
  • Recession of 2008

    Recession of 2008
    America hits a hard recession forcing many people into unemployment and inflation rises dramatically.
  • Barack Obama Presidency

    Barack Obama Presidency
    America's first African-American, Barack Obama, is inaugerated as president of the US. Shows discrimination is a past issue of U.S. history.
  • Osama Bin Laden Assassination

    Osama Bin Laden Assassination
    On this date, Seal Team 6 takes out the terroist leader Osama Bin Laden in Operation Geronimo. Bin Laden was killed in his safehouse in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
  • Confirmed into the Catholic Church

    Confirmed into the Catholic Church
    In a pristine chapel in downtown Grand Rapids, I am confirmed by the bishop and I am sworn into Catholicism. My religion starts catching up to me.
  • The Rise of ISIS

    The Rise of ISIS
    The terrorist group codenamed ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has gone to rise in power of the Middle East. US drones and airplanes have made advances in targeting ISIS fighters.
  • Government Shutdown

    Government Shutdown
    The national government shuts down to try and experiment with the national debt. The shut-down turns out to be a disaster and solves no problems.
  • Ebola Outbreak

    Ebola Outbreak
    West Africa Ebola Virus breaks out in Guinea and causes American Red Cross and doctors to make their way to Africa. Two ciitizens of the US have who had been diagnosed with Ebola die.
  • I Experience Europe

    I Experience Europe
    Right after the school year my family took a trip in Europe. In a two-week span, we traveled through Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Austria. It was a blast.
  • New Driver on the Road

    New Driver on the Road
    Marking my 16th birthday, I have the oppourtunity to get my license. And so I did, the only problem...what car do I drive?
  • Bryce survives his first AP Class

    Bryce survives his first AP Class
    Upon 32 chapters of American History, Bryce Gerondale took the oath of taking the APUSH exam. May 8th will go down as a date I hopefully passed my first college-level class.