Personal Timeline

  • Baby sister was born

    Baby sister was born
  • Started dancing

    Started dancing
  • Started middle school & made a close friend group

    Started middle school & made a close friend group
  • Started highschool and tennis

    Started highschool and tennis
  • Quit competitive dance & played on SW tennis team

    Quit competitive dance & played on SW tennis team
  • Go to college

    Go to college
  • Graduate high school

    Graduate high school
  • Travel everywhere

    Travel everywhere
  • Get married

    Get married
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    My future seems to be very flexible. I have no idea where exactly I want to go to college yet and where I want to travel and settle down or who with.
  • Buy a huge house

    Buy a huge house
  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    My timeline tells me how I am following an average lifespan of an average American. Going to college, getting married, buying a house, etc.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    If I changed one or more events along my timeline, I would be a completely different person. Each event has shaped me into who I am today.