002 (4)

Personal Timeline

  • Getting my brain on!

    Getting my brain on!
    Around week 5 in fetal development my brain, spinal cord, and heart have begun to develop. Of my now 3 layers of skin, my ectoderm will give rise to my cental and peripheral nervous system, making communication from my brain to other parts of my body and back a reality.
    - Cognitive
  • Can you hear me now??

    Can you hear me now??
    Around week 26 in fetal development my eyes have fully formed and can detect light. I also now startle when I hear sudden noises and am soothed my my Mothers voice. This association to my Mother will play a critical roll after birth, helping me to stabilize sleeping patterns and keeping calm when I become scared.
    - psychosocial
  • Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
    9 months of fetal development has produced an 8lb 3oz baby girl, 10 fingers, 10 toes, and a lot of charisma. All systems are fully functional.
    - Biosocial
  • Sensations

    My cortex has come to associate my high chair and the smell of ceral and fruit to the enjoyment of eating. I was unable to breastfeed and experience a variety of foods via breatmilk, so all these new foods is quite the experince for me! My fine motor skills are also becoming more refined. I am learning to pick up all the ittle cut up foods being offered to me. -Biosocial
  • Object Permanence

    Object Permanence
    Object permanence: I have discovered that things exists without me needing to be present and am in constant search for the dogs toys, which I have now declaired as my own. The visual cliff from the kitchen to the living room has become a fear of the past and my explicit memory is on to the dogs: their stash of goodies can be found in the living room...I'm sure of it!
  • Brother born

    Mom and I have come to a good synchrony, and I've become attached to her and my Aunt Chris. But alas! A new addition has been added at my ripe old age of 14 months. I learn to recognize my brother as someone familiar and take take care of as well.
    - Psychosocial
  • Broke clavical

    Broke clavical
    A fall while riding my bike has caused me to brake my clavical. There is no cast I can put on it, just marching orders to stay off the monkey bars.
    In three phases (reactive, reparitive, remodeling) a blood clot will form, new cartiledge and callous will be laid down, and compact bone will be implimented. I will forever show the fusion of that break, it in time it will heal.
  • Parents divorce & cross country move

    A split and large move from my father has left my newly developed senses heightened. All I see is that I have been the catalyst to 2 divroces and a rift in the family in the last few months. I begin to internalize my emotions and guilt and begin to overachieve due to intrinsic motivations. I have seen that unhappiness leads to divorce or banishment in my eyes, and that is a place I so desperatley don't want to be.
  • Sing Along

    By the age of 6 I have mastered numerous Sandy Patty songs and enjoy singing them with my aunt on the way to church every Sunday.Over the last many months she has provided scaffolding for my learning and memorization of new songs and rhythms, My fast-mapping has turned some of the lyrics inside out and unsensical, but it's all par for the course and will someday help to refine my pragmatics.
  • The new crossing guard!

    I have been declaired the new crossing guard for the Brandt corner! I now have to learn how to ride my bike to the stop and learn how to control the foot traffic and maintain everyone's safety by seriation. Oh, and did I mention my cool new watch to track the time?
  • Goal Goal Goal!

    My clumsey ways have started to fade and now I want to try my hand at sports! Soccer, dance, gymnastic oh my! Unfortunatley my reaction time is not up to par and I have selective attention: the butterflies tend to be more important than the soccer ball bee lining for my head.
  • Homeschooled

    My Mother has determined that homeschooling would be a good move for the kids. This shift has taken me away from my friends and hindered my social comparison. I have no idea where I rank against my peers. I have a high resilience that will help me overcome the stress I face.
  • Mom's new "marriage": came out as gay, moved counties

    Mom's new "marriage": came out as gay, moved counties
    My mom splits from her second marriages and tells us she is gay. In 1 day we aquire a new "step-mom", pack up, and leave everything behind. We move counties, into a big new house, and a new school district. I am faced with role confusion and lack of parental monitoring. Way to start freshman year!
  • Boyfriend moves in

    Puberty has taken hold and I have begun dating. I have convienced my mom to let my boyfriend move in. I'm so excited to have him around . All my sex charastics are fully functional (primary and seconday) which helps gear us towards sexual activity. -Biosocial
  • Party!

    Mom has been traveling heavily for work so I have tuned into my impulses and clever deductive reasoning: last minute house parties, drinking, smoking. Intuitive thought knows this is not right, my gut tells me to stop, and one day I will, but for now it's party time!
  • Taoism

    I seek to find something that brings meaning to life by objective thought, to make sense of what I have gone through. I find solice in Taoist practices and continue to explore my individual reflective faith for many years.
  • Trial and tribulations

    I am in the midst of various friendships, some real some bar buddies. I have my hookups and try to cohabitate with potential long term spouses. I run into many demand/withdraw interactions with boyfirends and end up ending the relationship. I'm frustrated.
  • A big change: risk

    It's my birthday....I'm 22. I'm fed up with relying on someone and feeling lost. I wake up that morning, I pack my bag and go to the airport. I have my passport in hand, cash in my account and a faith that I'll be ok. I head to London, England, I know no one there and am unfamiliar with the city. This 1 way ticket could be my chance. I get deep into alcohol but manage to keep my head afloat and travel Europe.
  • I thee wed

    I thee wed
    I have met the man of my dreams and on this day we marry. It's a bit rushed: our unexpected pregnancy has moved up the wedding date, but I couldn't be more happy! We co-share the household responsibilities with out extrinsic rewards of work and co-parent our children.
  • My munckins

    My munckins
    Procreation is in action and on this day my beautiful daughter Emma Mae was born, changing my life forever more. She has also made me more aware of my vitality or lack there of. Time to get back into shape! I also now worry about my own mortality: who will take care of my family when I'm gone?
  • New career

    New career
    I have been a restaurant manager for years but am beginning to focus on what I am best at and happy with. I have decided to persure my dream of Nursing. I refine my crystallized integgigence, along with analyric and practical intelligence. I also learn to imply problem focused coping .Here we go! Back to school!
  • Retirement

    My husband and I have retired and will be traveling the world now! I maintain my positivity effect and stay optimistic. I also volunteer my time during the the end of summer to make sure kids have what they need for school. I do not age in place and release my children from any filial responsibilty.
  • My slipping

    It has run in my family and has now reached me. My Alzheimers has taken hold. The plaques and tangle in my hypocampus have proliferated. This is scary for myself and my family. I have decided before I get any worse to wrte up y final will and ensure that I will be donated to science. I want to fight this battle long after my heart stops. I have also delacired that I want no prescription medication from this point forward and put in place a DNR order.
  • My final stand

    I've aged. I don't like ageism put on me; I don't like the way people elderspeak to me: I am educated you know! My body as aged, my vision has gotten worse andI've just about hit the averge life expectancy. I have led a great life and on this day, this will be my final stand. On this day I will say goodbye.
    - Biosocial