Personal Narrative Timeline

  • Baby Sister is born

    I was almost 3 when my little sister Sam was born. I changed for the better forsure, I learned about sharing and all of the lovley things that being a sibling comes with.
  • First day of Preschool

    The first day that I go to go to school was a big day. There were lots of pictures taken, lots of memories created. I remember going to the first day and meeting the girl that would be my best friend until 3rd grade when she moved away.
  • First day Volunteering with Special Needs Students

    I started teaching Special needs swimming with the Stars swim team. Which has helped me to get a better understanding of those with speical needs as well as get a good idea of what I want to do for a living.
  • Sister left for College

    My older sister is and was my best friend, so when she moved to college it was one of the hardest thing I have had to deal with. Not being able to see her all the time was very difficult for me, ot being able to just walk to her room and ask her a question or just sit in her bed and talk to her was possibly the hardest part.
  • First day of High School

    The first day of High school, a big day. I walked into the school at 8:49, a minute before class started. I ended up being 5 minutes late to first period. The day continued with me getting a water balloon filled with water and glitter thrown at me by my sister.
  • Conclusion

    These five events have all shaped me to be the perosn that I am today. My sisters coming and going has taught me a great feal. When starting of my my education it has helped me gain the friends that I have, the education that I have, and play the sports that I do. Also when starting to volunteer with the special needs swimmers it gave me a great idea of what I might want to become as a career. I feel like these five events explain my life up to this point very well.