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Part II: Pregnancy

  • "Feeling Strange"

    "I began to notice changes in my body during the last week of September. My breasts ached, my appetite was gone, and I was just really nauseous all the time. I could just kind of tell."
  • "Pregnancy Test"

    "I took a pregnancy test the first week of October, and it turned out positive. I was pregnant! My initial reaction was fear. I had never been in this sort of predicament before."
  • "Halloween"

    "Throughout the month of October, I was very back and forth about the pregnancy. I was nervous and unsure of whether I wanted to keep the baby. At first, I wasn't going to keep him. I felt that I wasn't ready and it wasn't time for me to have a baby. However, on Halloween I decided I could never go through with an abortion."
  • "First Doctor's Appointment"

    "First Doctor's Appointment"
    "I went to my first doctor's appointment during the first week of November, and I officially found out I was 11 weeks pregnant! At this point, I definitely decided this was the next step in my life. It was time to move on from the party scene and do more with myself than the nothingness I was doing."
  • "It's a Boy!"

    "At 16 weeks, I found out I would be having a baby boy."
  • "Mid-Pregnancy"

    "Throughout the pregnancy, I felt mostly sick. I was also still scared but happier and more excited. I had a lot of support from my family and friends so I knew I could pull through this and be alright. My lifestyle changed drastically. I was staying home every day as opposed to partying all night. I was worrying about getting the right vitamins and eating the right meals instead of what kind of beer I was going to drink. I won't lie - it was very hard on me - but it was all worth it at the end.
  • "Last Sonogram!"

    "Last Sonogram!"
  • "Baby Shower"

    "Baby Shower"
    "I was 36 weeks pregnant at my baby shower. I was just ready to have my kid already!"
  • "Induced"

    "I was induced into labor on my scheduled due date. I honestly did not know what to expect. I knew I was going into labor, but I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know if I was ready for the baby, I just knew I had to force myself to be ready."
  • "Alejandro is Born!"

    "Alejandro is Born!"
    "Looking back on the labor process, it felt like I didn't go through anything at all."
  • "Baby's One Month"

    "Baby's One Month"