
  • Elie Wiesel is born in Transylvania, Romania

  • Nazis carry out Kristallnacht, which destroys 7500 Jewish-owned stores and synagogues. Jewish children are banned from German schools.

  • Nazis arrest Jewish leaders and close synagogues in Transylvania. Jews are quarantined. Nazis confiscate valuables and force transylvainian Jews to wear the yellow Star of David and ban them from restaurants, cafes, and public transportation.

  • jews march to the ghetto

  • The Wiesels join the last group of deportees aboard a railway cattle car

  • They reach Birkenau, and Elie and his father spend their first night in camp. Guards send Elie and Chlomo to Auschwitz.They are marched to Buna. Elie is tattooed A-7713 on his left arm.

  • Eliezer’s foot swells until he needs surgery

  • Camp is evacuated because the Russians are on the way. Afraid that those who remain behind at the hospital will be executed, Eliezer leaves with those being evacuated, even though his foot is still healing.

  • The red army liberates Auschwitz

  • Red Army liberates Auschwitz

  • When they finally arrive at Buchenwald, Eliezer’s father is deathly ill. Fellow prisoners are mean to him, denying him food or beating him, as if they just want him to die

  • Eli's father dies in the bunk, calling Elie's name.

  • Ellie gets food poisening. u.s. troops come