
  • 2.2- Genetic Limits

    For this solution to work, I'll need to ensure that the human embryo cell gets divided more than 50 times. I'll manipulate the human embryo cell to divide until it reaches 100 times or so, and to pause replicative senescence until necessary, so he/she will live much longer. In the same sense, I'll manipulate the Hayflick limit until I allow a species to reach replicative senescence. I plan to multiply humans' telemeres so ideally middle-aged adult won't have shorter ones than a young adult's.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    As people age, free radicals get released which increase the oxidate damage. So, I will make sure that young children consume a large number of vitamins and minerals - antioxidants. Their daily meals will be filled with those foods such as blueberries, cherrries, and broccoli - i.e. at school and home. That way, children get into a habit of consuming foods that are packed with antioxidants, and thus prolong their life and possess fewer signs of aging.
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    My parents would often express affection when I was little. With the exception of my mother's bipolar disorder, I grew up without significant obstacles that made my attachment style either fearful, dismissing, avoidant, or anxious. My mom dedicated much of her attention to me, and my dad often checked to make sure I was doing well academically. It's because of his values that I built my confidence in my academic abilities. Due to my mom's values, I was able to love and to express my feelings.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    This is the moment I feel I became an adult. It's not an accurate date as I cannot recall exactly, but I remember vividly how the world changed for me. It was when my mother overdosed due to her bipolar depression, and I had to take care of my younger brother and call 911 (non-normative life event). I felt like I was no longer innocent in a way that things were unfolding as they should. As a child, I used to believe the world wasn't complicated, but I was mistaken (social age).
  • 7.2 Transitions

    One of the experiences I have had in the past reflects my transition from being conformist to being individualistic. That experience was when I attended Gallaudet University for the first time as a freshman. I left home back in California. It was a circumstantial event. It also resulted in an expected transition when I took time to read Brene Brown's works in which she talked about wholehearted living. In a way, it was about Brown's faith. Yes, I was able to achieve a new kind of integration.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    It was when my close friend passed away in an unexpected incidence. It was a major life event because I've never experienced death of a close friend before. So I used an emotion-focused coping to deal with it. I introduced myself to some of the online works where authors talked about life's finite. It was effective in that I became more gentle towards myself. also sought for my mom's support as a social coping. She helped me process my emotions effectively. Without her, I might've lost it.
  • 2.3- My current healthy lifestyle

    Although I refrain from eating junk food, am currently not smoking, and tend to use sunscreen consistently, I don't eat 2-4 servings of fruit each day nor do I eat 3-5 servings of vegetable each day. I also don't quite excerise that often. So I'd say that my current lifestyle is not damaging, but it's not exactly healthy in that I put forward my conscious energy. I need to excerise more, and I need to get into a habit of adding fruits/vegetables to my daily meals. Or I can have them as snacks.
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    The secure attachment style sounds most like me. I have relatively enduring and fulfilling relationships, and I'm comfortable to express my feelings. I don't need to be around loved ones for a long time. I can be content being myself. It's rare that I get upset or anxious with others in our relationships. For example, when my close friend miscommunicates, I'm quick to understand and forgive. But I need safe haven when I overthink things or understimate myself. That is one of my unhealthy habits.
  • 6.4 - Self-aware

    Arva underwent the self-aware stage when she analyzed what "race" meant. She has never really given it a thought until it was put in her face. She became aware of her unique feelings and motives, and of others' too. She recognized that just because one is part of the group it didn't mean everybody felt or thought the same. It was when Arva learned to appreciate herself, to keep going in school.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    I'd say that the Individuative-Reflective stage most fits me. The reason I say this is that I'm still a young college student who is exploring the true source of her passion. I've begun to realize that there are other "boxes" out there. I've begun to question things that I previously didn't. I consider myself agnostic which is not strongly linked to religion I expect that I'll remain in this stage for some more time, as people in the young adulthood often do.
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    I expect to enter the graduate program at Gallaudet University during this year. It's going to be really different from when I was an undergraduate student. It's highly possible that I'll live off campus so I'll need to be responsible for paying bills and working together with whomever lives with me. It's when I'll start to pursue a specalist degree in Psychology and to live indepedently. I also expect to do internships off campus that may involve driving a car - something I don't usually do now
  • 6.3 - Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Arva Lee met her friend named Linda who was a Japanese. They grew close, signaling Arva's progress of intimacy at that time. It is due to their friendship that Arva feels less lonely. Furthermore, since she developed a successful relationship with Linda, she was able to also develop a new relationship with a different person named Billy, despite first harsh encounter. In other words, her success of the relationships prevented her from experiencing loneliness and isolation.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    My RIASEC type is SIA. When I look at Figure 7.2 inspired by Holland I feel like I'm seeing myself. People who score highest on Social are "people helpers" which capture my essence. Yes, I'm understanding, tactful, cooperative, and so on. When I look at the jobs that fit my type, I agree with them. Counseling psychologist is one of the top jobs that I feel is really relevant to my interests. I also am abstract and intutive, which are the traits of Investigative and Artistic.
  • 4.2 Older Adult Role Transition

    I expect to have a child during this year. I don't know about marriage, but I'd love to have a child when I was in 30s. It'll be a drastic transition. I'll be responsible for another living being, to spend time on taking care of my child. I might move to a new location in search for a good school for my child. I imagine it'll be difficult, being possibly away from my parents. And how things go with my partner might also be difficult. It's about compromise and sacrifice for others.
  • 2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle

    My current health lifestyle presents a risk for diabetes. Because I don't excerise often, I lead a sedentary lifestyle. According to the Table 3.4, it is one of the causes of diabetes, however it can be controlled or prevented. So, I'll need to find time to excercise. Maybe walk around the campus each day for the first step. I am also at a risk for cancer. Not consuming daily amount of fruits/vegetables can lead to cancer, and I don't consume them that much. So, I'll need to eat them for snacks.
  • 3.2 Fluid Intelligence

    I expect an IADL to become more challenging when my fluid intelligence declines. Specifically, I could struggle to keep many items in mind while doing something to those items. I could very well be slower to react to the problems because my speed of processing won't be the same. But, to come up with a new strategy, I could engage in physical activities such as aerobic fitness. Research has shown that blood hormone levels have positive effects on memory function - fluid intelligence.
  • 3.1 Episodic Memory

    I expect an IADLs could become more challenging when my episodic memory begins to decline. When I struggle to recall events, I also may struggle to take care of shopping because I can't exactly remember what I need, or, less severely, to recall as many words as I use to. My storage and retrieval processes won't work as effectively. To develop a strategy, I can continue paying careful attention to the surrounding. I can replay the scenes/word in my head instead of letting my thoughts wander off.
  • 6.2 Super’s Stages

    I imagine I'd be in the Maintenance stage inspired by Super's Five Stages of Career Development by this time. I would likely be a counseling psychologist. I might have been working at a specific location for good numbers of years, handling different clients. I might update and innovate tasks by embedding my philosophy in several theories of therapy such as Person-Centered Therapy. In addition, I might reevaluate my contributions to my clients as a counseling psychologist and as a person.
  • 8.1 The End

    Nicole Strom, 89, died September 2, 2072, with her family by her side in Riverside, California. Nicole has always loved the warm weathers, and it can be said that she, too, is a warm person. She held her family members near and dear to her heart. Nicole tried her best to be as good a mother to her two children as her mother once was. After obtaining a Psy.S. degree, she has spent her times recognizing people's full potential. She was preceded in death by her partner.