
Nic Sheff

  • A Beautiful Boy

    A Beautiful Boy
    On July 20th of 1982, Vicki and David had their first born named Nic. This is the start of their beautiful boy.
  • Divorce

    Nic's parents have lost love for each other and are forced to get a divorce. Nic is forced to have two different lives and homes. Soon after Vicki moves to Los Angeles, where she remarries. Nic spends the school year with David in San Francisco, and spends holidays and summers with Vicki in Southern California. Later David marries Karen.
  • A New Mom

    A New Mom
    David remarries to a nice lady named Karen. Nic really gets along with Karen and they have nicknames for each other. They both enjoy art. They often draw and listen to music together.
  • Weekend at Lake Tahoe

    Weekend at Lake Tahoe
    Nic Sheff snuck his first drink with his friend Philip during a family snowboarding trip to Lake Tahoe when he was just 11 years old. One of the nights that David and Karen went to sleep early, Nic and Philip decided to mix rum, bourbon, tequila, vermouth, and scotch. Nic thought it was gross but wanted to get good and wasted. The next morning, Karen and David woke up to the sound of Nic and Philip throwing up. Nic lied to them and let them believe they got the flu. Alcohol is the gateway dru
  • Nic smokes

    Nic smokes
    In early May of Nic 7th grade school year, David picks nic up from school and smells cigarette smoke. At first Nic denies smoking at all. He then admits that he has been hanging out with new kids at school who have been smoking. He claims it was just a few puffs behind the gym. David talks to him and Nic says he will never do it again. Later that week David catches Nic with a bag of weed in his backpack.
  • Suspension

    When everything seems to be going great on Nic's first couple of months of high school, David gets a call from the school dean. The dean says that David and Karen need to come in for a meeting to discuss Nic's suspension for buying marijuana on campus. The dean says Nic will get a second chance, but he must attend drug and alcohol meetings.
  • Senior year

    Senior year
    Nic decides to go to the Paris summer program for french speakers. When he comes home he doesn't look too good. He later discovers he has an ulcer due to doing drugs in Paris. During senior year, Nic quits the swimming team and the newspaper club. Nic starts skipping his classes. Nic begins to come home late and hang out with stoners.
  • Nic gets arrested

    Nic gets arrested
    When Karen decides to take Nic, Jasper, and Daisy to the beach, the Sheff family is in for a major surprise. When two county sheriff's patrol cars pull up and begin heading for Nic. They arrest him and drive away leaving the sheff family in shock. Jasper cries for an hour wondering what has happened to her big brother. The arrest was due to Nic not appearing in court for marijuana possession.
  • College

    Nic attends college at Berkeley University. The whole family drives up to Berkeley to move Nic in. A week after moving Nic in, David gets call from Nic's roommates saying they're worried because they haven't seen him in a few days. Two days later, Nic calls saying college isn't working. He says he will attend college next year and get therapy in the mean time.
  • Meth Begins

    Meth Begins
    One night David wakes up and realizes Nic is gone. They have no idea where Nic is. Even the kids are worried to death as Jasper is crying her brains out. Then Nic finally calls David to come pick him up because he is hurt. David drives to meet Nic behind a bookstore in San Francisco. As David described Nic he had many drugs in his system. David said Nic has to go to rehab and later finds out that Nic has tried crystal meth.
  • Nic goes to rehab

    Nic goes to rehab
    After Nic disappears again, once he comes back his dad forces him to to go Oakland rehab center. Nic is so mad he punches a hole in the wall when they leave. This center does not accept him, so they refer him to go to the Ohlhoff Recovery house.This should be the turning point of Nic's path to recovery.
  • The First Relapse

    The First Relapse
    After the fourth week of therapy, Nic says he needs more time in therapy. So then he moves into the halfway house, but three days later he has vanished. He then calls David and says he has done drugs will go back to rehab. Nic goes the rehab center called St. Helena.
  • Nic in New York

    Nic in New York
    Nic agrees to live in New York and detox with his friends. Nic tried stealing money from David. Later David receives a call that Nic has overdosed and he is in the hospital. If the EMT team responded any later Nic would have died.
  • Herbert House

    Herbert House
    After Hazelden closed, Nic goes to Herbert house. Nic gets better at the herbert house and finds new friends there. Nic gets a new AA sponsor named Randy who really helps him out with his problems. Nic goes biking with Randy almost everyday.Nic gets a job in which he helps people with their addictions.
  • Nic Steals from His Own

    Nic Steals from His Own
    Nic goes missing again, and is back on drugs. Karen finds out that Nic has broken in and stole some stuff. David and Karen were forced to close all bank accounts. Jasper finds out that Nic has stole eight dollars from him. Later Nic tries to come back and Karen chases him away. The kids are scared of there own brother.
  • Relapse

    It's been 27 months since he has used drugs and then Nic relapsed. After Nic calls David for help and David says he needs to go to rehab. He relapsed with his girlfriend Z, they have been using speedballs. Nic has never made it 2 years without drugs. It takes an addict 2 years to fully recover from drugs.