Natalie's Civil Rights Timeline

  • Congress of Racial Equality Founded

    Congress of Racial Equality Founded
    -Civil Rights: citizens rights to freedom, equality, and social
    -Many Americans worked towards organizations that were going to achieve equality
    -Organizations spread more throughout the postwar years
  • Advocates for Black Nationalism

    Advocates for Black Nationalism
    -Nation of Islam: religious group also known as black muslims that separated blacks and whites
    -Malcom X:Black muslim, minister and human rights activist
    -The muslims believed blacks should be separated from whites
    -The Nation of Islam advocated black nationality
  • Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson

    Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson
    -Color Line: a barrier that separated whites from nonwhites
    -Baseball was the first sport to be integrated then followed by basketball and football
    -Jackie Robinson's entry into the major league made integration noticeable
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    -Segregation:separating whites from blacks
    -Truman ended the segregation in the army
    -Signed the law and people in the army became equal
  • Brown v. Board of Education Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
    -Thurgood Marshall: he was an associate Justice with the Supreme Court
    -Black parents tried to get their children into white schools
    -Thurgood Marshall used the "doll test" as evidence for discrimination
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    -Boycott: withdraw from commercial or social relations
    -Rosa Parks:arrested for not giving up her bus seat for a white person
    -Blacks did not like the fact that they had to give up their seat on the bus to a white and blacks have to move to the back
    -Blacks refused to ride the bus and organized their own carpools or walk
  • Integration of Central High School

    Integration of Central High School
    -Little Rock Nine:9 black students joined a public school with 2,000 white students
    -Federal judge ordered public schools in Arkansas to begin desegregation
    -Governor Orval Faubus said he wouldn't support the desegregation
  • First Lunch Counter Sit-Ins

    First Lunch Counter Sit-Ins
    -Sit in: sitting in a public facility as a means of peaceful protesting
    -Jim Crow Laws: laws that made racial segregation okay in the south
    -African American college kids went into Woolsworth everyday
    -These students were often attacked by white customers and store owners
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    -Civil Disobedience: refusal to obey the law the protester considers to be unjust
    -Two buses were loaded one with blacks one with whites and headed down south
    -A white mob followed the bus and threw firebombs threw the window and beat the passengers as they got off
  • Birmingham campaign

    Birmingham campaign
    -SCLC:African American civil rights organization
    -No public facilities would allow black and whites to mix
    -SCLC helped organize nonviolent civil rights actions
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    -NAACP:civil rights organization for colored people to stop lynching
    -Millions of people marched into Washington and demanded for jobs and freedom
    -MLKJ's "I have a dream" speech played an important role
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    -Plessy V. Fergusson:1896 case that determined separate but equal facilities
    - Originally Kennedy's idea, President Johnson was able to pass the law
    - Civil Rights Act banned discrimination
  • Voting Rights Act 1965

    Voting Rights Act 1965
    -disenfranchise:deprive someone the right from voting
    -Congress passed the act and gave African Americans literacy tests and other things to deny them the right to vote
    -Only 7% of blacks were registered to vote in Mississippi
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    -Kerner Commission:
    -ghettos:small part of city were single ethnic groups live
    -A black ghetto in LA caused by frustrations about poverty, prejudice and police

    -The riot lasted 6 days, 34 people died, almost 900 injured and 4,000 were arrested
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    -Black power: Africans Americans economic and political power with emphasis with nonviolent protest
    -African Americans gained pride in their African heritage
    -The black panthers were prepared to realize their goals and fight for what they believed in
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    -discrimination:prejudicial treatment of different races
    -The Act banned discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, or sex
    -Afters King's death they passed the Act.
  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education

    Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
    -desegregation:ending racial segregation
    -A 1971 Supreme Court ruling that said busing was indeed an effective way to enforce school segregation
    -De Fcato segregation caused by housing patterns were questioned for being constitutional
  • Regents of the Univeristy of California v. Bakke

    Regents of the Univeristy of California v. Bakke
    -Affirmative action: policy that increases the number of minorities in a workplace
    -Supreme Court ruled that race could be used as one but no the only thing in school admission
    -Racial quotas were unconstitutional, that race could not only be used as the only criteron