Napoleon Timeline

  • Coup D’état

    Coup D’état
    Napoleon drove out most of France's Legislature. He was then voted as one of the 3 consul's. This gave him the opportunity to seize the power of France as a dictator.
  • Concordat

    Many peasants wanted to restore the power of the church so Napoleon signed a Concordat, or an agreement with the church recognizing its influence but not giving it any power. This gained Napoleon the support of the Church as well as the support of many peasants.
  • Period: to

    Conquering Europe

    After Napoleon decided not to try and conquer the Americas, he instead aimed for Europe. At the time, Napoleon had already conquered parts of Europe. Fearful of what he might do, the British convinced Russia, Austria, and Sweden to help them against France.
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    After Napoleon failed many times in the AMericas, he decided to cut his losses. He sold all of the Louisiana Territory to the United States when president Jefferson agreed to buy it. He saw this as a double benefit, he made money and he could punish the British.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    This was the comprehensive system of laws that Napoleon created. This created a uniform set of laws while eliminating much of the crime. In reality it limited liberty and valued order and authority over individual rights.
  • Napoleon crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon crowned as Emperor
    Instead of being a dictator, Napoleon decided to name himself dictator. He was supported by the French voters. At Napoleons coronation, he placed the crown on his own head to show that he was more powerful than the church.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    Napoleon set up a blockade to prevent France from trade and communication between England and other European countries. This was supposed to help France become self-sufficient along with destroying the British commercial and industrial economy.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    After a break down in Napoleon's alliance with Russia, he decided to invade. Napoleon invaded Russia with over 420,000 soldiers. Russia then retreated due to in unequal army, but began to practice a scorched-earth policy. This policy involved burning fields of grain and killing livestock to leave nothing for the enemy to eat.
  • The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days
    When Louis XVIII became King, his subjects, especially the peasants became fearful that he would undo the reforms of the revolution. Napoleon saw this as an opportunity to regain power, so he came back and was greeted with warm cheers from the crowd. Within days, Napoleon was Emperor again. After the defeat at Waterloo, the British shipped him off to a remote island to make sure he couldn't come back.
  • Waterloo

    When the allies of Europe banded together, Napoleon attacked the town of Waterloo in Belgium. The British army was holding off Napoleon but when the Persian army showed up they drove off Napoleon and his men.
  • Accomplishments of Napoleon

    Reforms in politics, domestic affairs, religion and the military.