Napoleon bonaparte


  • Period: to


  • Toulon

    forced British troops out of the port (1793)
  • Royalists uprising

    faced off against mob of royalist he forced royalist to flee, as a reward he was put in charge of defending the French interior (1795)
  • Fighting Egypt's Ottoman defender

    quickly defeated and won power of most of Egypt. (1798)
  • Consulate

    group of 3 consuls, replaced the Directory as the government of France (1799)
  • Coup d'etat

    Forced transfer of power (November 1799)
  • Bank of France

    (1800); made to regulate economy and so France would not have financial crises that occurred before revolution.
  • Civil war in Saint Domingue

    when the Civil war erupted Napoleon sent soldiers to restore it but they failed horribly.
  • Selling Louisiana Territory

    When he failed with Saint Domingue, he sold Louisiana to American and set hopes on to Europe. (1803)
  • Napoleonic Wars

    (1803-1815); series of wars that were almost constant for a decade. They were fought between France and other European countries.
  • Plebiscite

    a question put before all the voters
  • Emperor Napoleon I

    French voters supported him and voted yes. He became the Emperor of France, (1804)
  • Napoleonic Code

    (1804); this code made laws uniform across the nation, and eliminated many injustices.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    (1805); British defeated a combined French and Spanish navy off he coast of Spain.
  • Continental System

    (1806-1814); prohibited French or allied ships from trading.
  • Peninsular War

    (1808-1814); Portugal and Spain came into conflict between France and Great Britain.
  • Harsh Russian winter

    worst enemy to the French army. Many men were lost and their leader left them. (1812)
  • Battle with Russians

    the French endured hard conditions and lost most of their troops. Russia did mess with them and made the conditions harder on the French (1812)
  • Battle near Leipzig

    Clear defeat (1814)
  • Exile to Elba

    Napoleon was sent there. The French hoped to get rid of him, but he was waiting for the right moment to take over France again. (1814)
  • Louis XVIII as king of France

    he was given the thrown since he was the brother of the executed King. But people started to not like him anymore and were afraid of Old Order.(1814)
  • Congress of Vienna

    they wanted to find a way to restore Europe from al the Napoleonic War, an idea was the redraw Europe on the map. (1814)
  • Hundred Days

    a brief period of renewed glory for Napoleon and of problems for his enemies (march 20)
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Enemies met near Waterloo, Spanish came to Napoleons aid but the still got defeated. They were horribly beat and had many losses. Also this was the end of Napoleons military career and the Napoleonic Wars. ((1815)
  • Exile to St. Helena

    sent 1,200 miles away to the volcanic island. He never excaped, but did die 6 years later. No one knows the reason why.((1815)