Name of law and decree / historical events

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    This was a key event that led to the Holocaust. When Hitler was appointed chancellor, he gained more power. Conservative politicians thought that they would be able to persuade Hitler and control him and the Nazi party, but they were wrong. This was the first step to the Holocaust as Hitler had the power he needed to start his movement forward in eliminating people he wanted to. everyone living in Germany was affected by this law including homosexuals.
  • Press censorship law

    Jewish people who worked for the newspaper were out of work. People in Germany weren’t able to get the real news from the press anymore as only certain things were published. German people didn’t know what was going on for real. They persecuted any homosexual jews and germans.
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    This law gave the government complete power over what news and information they wanted to be spread or published. If people choose to publish information on their own, advertise, or assemble and present information, the government could arrest these individuals. They could also get rid of any political organizations that they didn’t like and censor all published material in the news, newspapers, magazines, billboards, pamphlets, etc. affecting everyone.
  • Enabling Act

    this affected everyone’s lives because of the fact that they did in fact believe this propaganda, and voted for Hitler, who was not a good leader and had antisemitism. The law affected everybody Hitler was against homosexuals, people disabilities and jews
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    The burning of all these books prevented knowledge of what Hitler was doing, and now it could be harmful to society. Because of this, the holocaust was continued and nobody rose an eyebrow about it because they simply did not know it was even happening! This is one of the main reasons why Hitler was able to get away with doing this. this law affected everyone living in Germany including homosexuals who were persecuted.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    because he Could place laws that he wanted to get rid of people who weren't part of that Aryan race this law affected everyone living in Germany including homosexuals who were persecuted.
  • Revision of Paragraph 175

    It Affected homosexuals' lives by persecuting them because of who they love just because they couldn’t grow the population. They killed homosexual men because they couldn’t grow the population
  • Harry Pauly

    He was arrested and sent to a concentration camp, one for only gay men
  • First Prisoners Arrive at Auschwitz

    This event happened at the beginning of the Holocaust when Adolf Hitler started sending all the Jews and people with illnesses and if they didn’t have blond hair and blue eyes (Aryen) They were sent to Auschwitz. All german and polish men were persecuted.
  • Germany Invades Western Europe

    Germany had launched a surprise invasion of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. The countries surrendered very quickly. Hundreds of thousands of Jews in Western Europe were under the Nazi's control.
  • Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    Everyone was targeted by the law because if normal people were caught hiding or helping jews then they would get the death penalty.