
  • 400


    Bartering is like swapping. You have one thing you want to give to another person, the other person has something they want to give to you. But if you have something worse, like I want to trade an apple for that game, the person might say no. This is what made bartering difficult.
  • 500


    The first coins first began a city called Lydia, which is now Turkey. They were made out of silver. They stamped pictures of various Gods and Emperors
  • Mar 3, 1500

    What is money?

    Money is a type of paper you use to buy stuff its shape is a small rectangle in the olden days people did'nt use this kind of money they would use shells cows and coins we still use coins a coins shape is a circle made out of metal each coin has a color some of them have the same color but diffrent sign others have diffrent colors and diffrent signs like a penny and a nickel a penny is brown and has picture of Abraham Lincoln and a nickel is silver and has a diffrent president on it.