My Timeline of Psychological Development

  • Zygote conception

    Zygote conception
  • Embryo

    8 weeks after fertalization.
  • Fetus

    9 weeks after fertalization.
  • My birthday

    My birthday
  • Period: to


    The society believes only men can do things; that girls would mess it up because they aren't as smart and strong as men. So i believe sometimes that boys are smarter and stronger than girls.
  • Sensorimotor

    Sometimes my mom hid her self under the blanket, then i would cry because i thought she was gone.
  • Oral Stage and Sensorimotor Stage

    Oral Stage and Sensorimotor Stage
    Whenever my mom put her nipple on my cheek, i would turn to its direction (oral stage) but i would refuse to drink from it, because i only liked the bottle (sensorimotor stage).
  • Assimilation

    I went to a pet shop with my mom and saw a rat, (but i thought it was a hamster) and told her how much i love hamsters for her to buy it for me as a pet. She told me it wasnt a hamster, it was a rat. That rats give infectious diseases and are not got to keep.
  • Anal Stage

    Anal Stage
    i got toilet trained
  • Critical Period

    Critical Period
    I started talking but i didnt talk much because i was uncomfortable with my surroundings and I didn't talk to strangers. So that was one factor to why i have trouble making convorsations with people.
  • Period: to

    Magical Thinking

    When i used to blow my birthday candle, i would believe that my wish would come true.
  • Object Permanence

    Object Permanence
    My unlce used to play this trick on me, where he would pretend to throw a ball to the other side of the room as if its not in his hands anymore, but i didnt see the ball flying. He made it seem as if it was magic. But i knew he still had it in his other hand when he dropped it behind him.
  • Sensorimotor

  • Period: to

    Prospective Memory

    My mom always tell me what she wants to do in the future so that i remind her. She always forgets while i dont. I always remember what im supposed to do later on, and I remind her and others around me.
  • Habituation and Dishabituation

    Habituation and Dishabituation
    My mom's friend came over to our house with her baby who was 1 years old. The lady held out her baby to me and my mom held out my sister to me. They did that to see who would i pick. I wanted to carry the other baby instead of my own sister, since she was a new baby i had never seen(dishabituation), and since i got bored of my sister (habituation).
  • Phallic Stage

    Phallic Stage
    I tried to wear like my mom did to get my dad's attention. I would try on her cloth that turned out like dresses on me, and i would try to put on better make up than her then go and show it off to my dad.
  • Animism

    I cried when my sister broke my barbies arm because i thought it hurted my doll. I believed she had feelings. I would never go to bed without her in my arms because i thought she would be sad if she didnt sleep with me, like as if i didnt like her anymore.
  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    Initiative vs. Guilt
    When i used to play with other kids in the public park in the US, my mom would be so scared for me; scared that i may get into an accident and get hurt, so she would prevent me from playing with them. She would want me to play with her, my sister, and my dad. So now i would feel unsafe when i try to interact with new people. I would be scared to get hurt if i get involved with them sooner or later.
  • Preoperational Stage

    Preoperational Stage
    I went Texas with my mother to visit her aunts house that was full of dogs. I was allergic to them that i used to always get sick and gassy. When i went to the mall with her aunt, we went on an elevator that also had a man inside. I farted and gave my aunt this look so that the guy would think she was the one who did it, not me; thinking she was the one who made me get this way from the dogs, so u technically did it. I didnt put myself in her shoes. I was egocentric.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Industry vs. Inferiority
    There was a competition in my old arabic school, and everyone knew i was American. So the teacher would never pick me to answer because she knew i knew the answer, but i got every single one of them wrong. When she finally picked me because no one else knew the answer, i got the wrong answer and felt stupid since one of the other arab girls go tthe answer while i didn't.
  • Fluid Intelligence

    Fluid Intelligence
    I started to become really good in math. Just like my father.
  • Crystallized intelligence

    Crystallized intelligence
    I used to believe in the tooth fairy, but twice i didnt tell my mom that i took out a tooth, and i put it under my pillow and the next morning i didnt get any money. Then i knew the tooth fairy didnt exist because i used to only get money when i told my mom, meaning she was the one wh oput i nunder my pillow.
  • Concrete Operational Stage

    Concrete Operational Stage
    Me and my little sister went to Puerto Rico for vacation, and we were put into summer school. My mom warned us not to eat any type of meat, we agreed but my sister was sure this dish was chicken and ate from it even though i told her not to because my mom said not to eat any type of meat no matter how it looks like.
  • Concrete Operational Stage

    Concrete Operational Stage
    when my parents didnt tell me and my sister about their 3rd boy mom was carrying, I asked my mom one day if she was pregnant because i noticed her stomach had been growing and she was getting fatter as months went by.
  • Concept of Conservation

    Concept of Conservation
    I didn't yet go through the concept of conservation. I once asked my mom how come she got so fat in one day. I asked her that because she was wearing really big cloth.
  • Strange Anxiety

    Strange Anxiety
    My first day in a new school in jeddah. I didn't know how people there were compared to the people United States. I was scared and i didnt want to go to school by crying.
  • Period: to

    Retrospective memory

    I remember every event that has happned to me since i was 5, and everyone i've been with and experinced events with.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Industry vs. Inferiority
    i wouldnt get a full mark like other arabs in my class on an easy english test that 2nd graders learn.
  • Egocentrism

    On my 10 year old birthday, my mom invited all her friends and their kids to my birthday party. She also invited this boy I've never seen before. His face was malformed. My first reaction when i saw him was to run to my room, and my younger cousin who looked up to me, did the same. When my mom tried to introduce him to me, i hid under the sheet. When she brought him right next to the sheet and opend the blanket, i flipped and started screaming like crazy. I used to hate him because of his face.
  • Secure attachment

    Secure attachment
    I used to always greet my parents with positive emotions.
    My mom would often travel to Puerto Rico to visit her family alone. My dad would spend most of his day in work, and when he returned, he would go to my grandma's house to eat for breaking the fast in Ramadan. I would get depressed and wanted comfort from them both.
  • Menarche

    My first menstrual period.
  • Puberty

  • Period: to

    Gential Stage

    i start feelign attracted to males.
  • Period: to

    Identity vs. Role Confusion

    I tried to fit in in my public school in Jeddah, my American school in the US, and in my American private school in Jeddah. I finally found myself in the middle of my junior year in AISJ. I am me, and no one can change me. I dont care anymore what people might think of me.
  • Formal Operational Stage

    Formal Operational Stage
    I started to become really good in my math classes since then.
  • Period: to

    Zone of Proximal Development

    I study all of my subjects alone, but i struggle to perfect it so i go to my teachers for help.
  • Assimilation

    About a year ago, I had an Egyptian best friend who turned out to be a back stabber, and told everyone my secrets and embarrasing stories. Since now, evertime i meet an Egyptian person, i place them into the category of bad and back stabbers.
  • Conventional

    My "cool" cousins who used to bully me, my sister, and my close cousin, they accepted me and my sister as friends, but left out my close cousin. They continued to bully her, and would encourage me to do so also. I started bulling her to seem cool to them.
  • Anxious/ambivalent attachment

    Anxious/ambivalent attachment
    I would suffer when my mom traveled to Puerto Rico, and my dad would also be in work all day and when he came back he wouold eat then sleep. But when i saw them, i was uncertain. I would stay near them but would be aggrieved. When they should me attention i would be resistant.
  • Pre-conventional

    After my cousins taught me to steal. we never got caught. So i had the mentality to say to myself, that "if i get free things and everything i want without getting caught, then i should keep stealing."
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Identity vs. Role Confusion
    I tried becoming friends with many groups of people when i entered my new school. I didnt fit in anywhere, until i eventually fitted in the muslim group, so i was confident in my identity.
  • Conventional

    My cousins used to steal, and pressured me to do also. I start to steal so that i would seem cool to them.
  • Avoidant Attachments

    Avoidant Attachments
    When my mom and dad traveled to Spain for a honeymoon, i was so happy, i got to do whatever i want, and go wherever i want. I was dissapointed when they came back.
  • Accommodation

    I've always been told by mom that all arabs are the same, stupid, mean, lazy, and not a single arab man doesnt cheat on their wife. When i arrived to this school, I saw that none of that was right. I found out some of them are actually really smart and nice. Now i know that no one is the same, and i shouldnt believe anything i hear unless i've experienced it.
  • Accommodation

    I believed my whole life (from my mom) that all guys are the same. All of them are bad & none of them truely love. That they only use girls to screw then they are done with them, & they just marry to get kids for them to carry on the family name then they give the wifes hell adn abuse them physically or mentally. But this day i met the best guys on earth. He never likes to see anyone get hurt. He never fights with anyone & would rather die than hurt someone, even if he doesnt like that person.
  • Post-Conventional

    Weighed the options of cheating on a major test, and chose not to.
  • Theory of Mind

    Theory of Mind
    I noticed im too negative and i care too much what people think of me and my actions. It affected me a lot and the way i acted because i used to do things that pleasead others, when i noticed i was different from them, i'd hide myself so i wouldnt be judged & critisized. I believed that everyone hated me, but now i know its all in my head. I attract what i think whether its bad or good. Now im gonna be me because i wasnt born to please others but myself; they would have to accept me for who i am
  • Get into collage

    Get into collage
    Get into collage adn move away from my parents.
  • Period: to

    Part-Time job as a successful baker

  • Period: to

    Intimacy vs. Isolation

    I will have a healthy relationship with everybody and be close to many people who are in my collage, work, family, and friends i've known for years before that. I will love like i've never been been broken, and just live my life content with them and myself.
  • Graduate collage

    Graduate collage
  • Period: to

    Open my own buisness in computer software engineer

    I will be known as a very successful computer software engineer
  • Open my own buisness in computer software engineer

    Open my own buisness in computer software engineer
    I will be known for a very successful computer software engineer
  • Authoritatian Parents

    Authoritatian Parents
    My parents will arrange my marriage with an arab who i dont know. i would go through with it just because its something they want me to do. i will marry the guy i love.
  • My marriage

    My marriage
  • First Pregnancy

    First Pregnancy
    Im pregnant with my first child.
  • Go to Omou's Wedding!!

    Go to Omou's Wedding!!
  • Give birth to my first child

    Give birth to my first child
    the birth of my first child
  • Second Pregnancy

    Second Pregnancy
    im pregnant with my second baby
  • Give birth to my second child

    Give birth to my second child
    Give birth to my second child which is a baby girl
  • My third pregnancy

    My third pregnancy
  • Give birth to my third child

    Give birth to my third child
    Give birth to my third child which is a boyGive bith to my third child which is a boy
  • My forth pregnancy

    My forth pregnancy
  • Give birth to my forth child

    Give birth to my forth child
    Give birth to my forth child which is a baby girl
  • Travel to Lahore, Pakistan

    Travel to Lahore, Pakistan
  • Travel to the Bahamas

    Travel to the Bahamas
  • Learn how to skii with my husband

    Learn how to skii with my husband
  • Period: to

    Generativity vs. Stagnation

    I will have grand children by then and will give them as much advice and guidence by understanding their feelings and situation, by putting myself in their shoe, and going through my experiences to help me help them.
  • Open up my own clothing line for girls and women

    Open up my own clothing line for girls and women
  • Sky diving with my husband

    Sky diving with my husband
  • Travel to Barcelona

    Travel to Barcelona
  • Open up my own place as a side job as a baker

    Open up my own place as a side job as a baker
  • Travel to Thailand

    Travel to Thailand
  • Attend my first child's wedding

    Attend my first child's wedding
  • Attend my Second child's wedding

    Attend my Second child's wedding
  • Attend my third child's wedding

    Attend my third child's wedding
  • Attending my forth child's wedding

    Attending my forth child's wedding
  • Period: to

    Integrity vs. Despair

    I will be content with what i achieved in my life. Eveything happends for a reason, and i tried my best to succeed and i did. I became a succeful engineer with a lovely husband who i chose, good kids, many grandchildren. I had many close good friends i trusted and who trusted me. I learned 4 languages which helped me a lot in life, buisness, and gave my knowledge down to my family to use.
  • Travel to Turkey

    Travel to Turkey
  • Retirement

  • Travel to Paris

    Travel to Paris
  • Travel to Sydney

    Travel to Sydney
  • Travel to Seville

    Travel to Seville
  • Travel to London

    Travel to London
  • Throw a party with all of my family: my children and grandchildren

    Throw a party with all of my family: my children and grandchildren
  • My death

    My death
    My husband would have a severe heart failure and needs an implant. My heart would be the only and fastest choice for him to live becuse if he waits for his turn on the list, it would be too late by then. So i would kill myself by giving him my heart.